From Hinesville Police Department reports:
A woman reported that someone had egged her house. The woman said she went to clean her vacant home and get it ready for new tenants. She said she started cleaning the home the day before and everything appeared okay. When she returned to complete the job, the front window was covered in egg yolk and shells. She also reported that someone had thrown something against the back room window breaking the glass.
DUI, Open container, speeding and simple possession of marijuana
A man was arrested after a police officer clocked him driving 64 mile per hour in a 40 miles per hour speed zone on E.G. Miles Parkway. When the officer approached the driver, the officer reported he smelled of alcohol and had droopy blood shot eyes. The officer asked the driver if he had been drinking and the driver replied, “no.”
The officer said the man failed two field sobriety tests and refused to take a breath test. Police searched the man’s car and found to beer cans that were open and half empty, yet still cold to the touch. Police also found a glass smoking pipe in the glovebox and a green substance suspected of being marijuana.
Forgery, first degree
A Kentucky Fried Chicken employee said a customer paid for their meal with a fake $20 bill. She said they were busy when she first took the bill and didn’t notice it was fake until she went to count out her register at the end of her shift. When the employee saw a police officer enter the eatery she approached the officer and reported the incident.
Battery FVA
A woman reported that her boyfriend pushed her into a wall and struck her multiple times in the face with open and closed hands. The woman said she didn’t feel well and was having chest pains. Police called EMS who took the woman to the hospital. The officer placed the man in handcuffs and asked him what happened. The man said he never touched the woman and had no clue how she got the injuries. He said the woman is bi-polar. The officer reported the woman did have blood coming from her nose and light swelling in her face.
Criminal attempt
A man reported being sound asleep when he was awakened by a loud banging sound at his back door. He said he heard someone pushing the back door trying to enter his house. The man reported the suspect pushed the door open as much as he could, but the security latch was in place preventing him to enter. The mad said he started to scream at the suspect, and he turned an ran away. The man said the suspect was wearing a white tank top and black jeans.
Simple battery
A man reported that he was at the EnMarket on E. G. Miles Parkway when he was approached by another man who was entering the store. The complainant said the man pulled out a knife. He said the man then put the knife away but punched him in the face. Police spoke to the man who said the complainant asked him for money. He said he didn’t have any money and that is when the complainant approached him in an aggressive manner, so he pulled out his knife and told the complainant to back up. He said when he put his knife away it was the complainant who punched him in the face. The officer reported the incident occurred outside of the surveillance camera’s view.
Welfare check
An officer was happy to report that they found a disabled amputee who is living with her family was doing quite well under their care. Someone had called adult protective services requesting that police check on the woman’s welfare. The officer found the home to be neat and in order and that family members were providing 24 care for the woman. Her niece cares for her during the day and works at night and then other family members stay with her during the night while her niece works.
- Patty Leon