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Liberty BoC talks food trucks, address anomalies
Liberty BoC talks food trucks, address anomalies.jpg
Alan Seifert from the Liberty County Planning Commission addresses the Liberty County Board of Commissioners - photo by Asha Gilbert

At the regular Liberty County Board of Commissioners meeting Nov.6, multiple motions were approved. A home occupation request for a food truck business was presented by Alan Seifert from the Liberty County Planning Commission.

“Are there other mobile food trucks in town that I don’t know about?” Chairman Donald Lovette asked.

Zoned AR-1, the petitioner was seeking a home occupation request for a place to sanitize and prepare seafood for his mobile food truck. With the recommendation from the LCPC, the LBOC approved the request.

The motion to enter a contract with Southeast Roofing Solutions was approved by the commissioners for the Liberty County Community Complex Gym re-roofing project.

Hunter Key from the Liberty County 9-1-1 Addressing Project addressed the anomalies when first responders are locating certain addresses. Incorrect ranges on addresses, stacked addresses, and road names being incorrect were a few of the anomalies mentioned.

“If a public works or public safety official is driving down the road and has been on the job for six months and its 2 a.m., is there a logical way they can find these addresses and get to them quickly,” Key said.

Key said the project has fixed 33 percent of anomalies, and the project would be brought back to the commissioners at a later date to take further action.

The commissioners approved amendments to the Flood Prevention Ordinance presented by Trent Long of T. R. Long Engineering. The amendments would bring Liberty County in compliance with FEMA regulations.

Based on GDOT criteria, Holt Consulting Services was recommended to the commissioners for the airport consulting engineering services. The motion was approved by the commissioners to enter into a three-year agreement with Holt Consulting Services.

The commissioners agreed to rewrite the hazard mitigation plan, after EMA Deputy Director Larry Logan presented Liberty County was awarded funds to redo the plan. They also approved the application for $3,000 in DATE funds to be allocated to the Fraser Center.

The commissioners reviewed board appointments before finishing the meeting in executive session. The LCBOC mid-month meeting is 5 p.m. November 15. 

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