The Hinesville City Council received the city’s annual financial report on fiscal year 2015 May 19.
David Irwin with Mauldin and Jenkins oversaw the audit, which was the city’s first with the firm.
“And I’m happy to say that we’re issuing you a clean or unmodified opinion on this year’s report,” Irwin said. “This is what you want.
“We’ve had quite a bit of experience over the past 15 years of transitioning with new clients and I have to say this is one of the smoothest first-year audits I’ve ever been a part of. And to expand on that, we didn’t have any audit findings this year.”
He said that of the 300 audits the firm conducts, some sort of mistakes are noted in 80 percent.
“So for you all to have no audit findings this year really is just a testament to the hard work done by your staff,” Irwin said.
The city also again received a Government Finance Officers Association’s certificate of achievement for excellence in financial reporting, Irwin said.
After the report, City Manager Billy Edwards congratulated the city’s finance staff.
“It’s a testament to the level of professionalism that we have in our staff across the city, but in this particular case specifically with regard to the finance department,” he said.
Kimberly Ryon, the city’s chief financial officer, brought her staff to the meeting and thanked them.
“My staff does a really great job and we’re really, really great to have them,” she said.
Mayor Allen Brown said, “We do appreciate you all,” as the council chamber broke into applause.
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• Angela Gunter with the Liberty County Health Department, presented an overview of the programs and services it provides.
• Brown reappointed Judy Shippey to the Historic Preservation Commission.