Hinesville has received awarded a $4,622,450 Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan and a $1,057,792 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan from the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority board of directors.
"The federal water and sewer programs administered by GEFA assist local governments with improving their environmental infrastructure. Through the Clean Water and Drinking Water programs, affordable financing helps cities and counties improve water quality," GEFA Executive Director Kevin Clark said.
The CWSRF loan is to finance the replacement of a pump station and force main for the lines conveying sewer from Fort Stewart to Hinesville. It is supposed replace aged and degraded pumps and lines aimed at eliminating sewage spills into Peacock Creek.
The DWSRF loan will finance the installation of automated metering infrastructure and controls at the city’s pump stations, wells and storage tanks. This project is supposed to improve water meter data collection and provide for remote control and oversight of the city’s water distribution system. System energy savings are also projected as a result of installation of the controls.
The city will pay 1.09 percent interest on both of the 20-year loans, which are eligible for a reduced interest rate since Hinesville is designated as a WaterFirst Community by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs.
The smaller loan includes principal forgiveness up to $423,117 if all loan funds are drawn.
"I’d like to express appreciation to Gov. Deal, U.S. Sen. Johnny Isakson, U.S. Sen. David Perdue, U.S. Rep. Buddy Carter, state Sens. Ben Watson and Tommie Williams, and state Reps. Ron Stephens and Al Williams for their support. The state’s commitment to helping cities and counties finance infrastructure development is a main contributor to GEFA’s success," Clark said.