“Hey! Guys, you know it’s time to shop!” yelled cheerleaders from Lewis Frasier Middle School during the grand opening of the Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market on East Gen. Stewart Way in Hinesville Wednesday morning.
The new grocery store, located behind Ole Times Country Buffet and Dairy Queen, is open 24 hours and features a full-service and drive-thru pharmacy, a deli and fuel station.
The store also gave $8,000 in community grants from Wal-Mart's charitable foundation to several local organizations, including Hineshouse, Forster Care Support Foundation, Lewis Frasier Middle School, United Military Care and Wreaths for Warriors Walk.
“Any time that we bring a business into our town that hires a hundred people to work in it, that’s a big day in Hinesville, Georgia,” Hinesville Mayor Allen Brown said.
“It’s been a lot of work, a lot of fun, but a lot of work in the end,” said store manager Doris Delgado about finally opening the store.
See Sunday's Coastal Courier and coastalcourier.com for a full story on this business opening.