FORWARD OPERATING BASE HAMMER, Iraq, -- Soldiers from the 3rd Infantry Division's Troop C, 3rd Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment, conducted an operation with Iraqi National Police officers Feb. 18, supporting the Iraqi Civil Conservation Force and the "Sons of Iraq" citizen security group in Tameem, a small village southeast of Baghdad.
Salam Bedin, the local council chairman; Lt. Col. Emad, commander of 3rd Brigade, 1st National Police Division; and Sons of Iraq planned the operation, which led to the establishment of several checkpoints and allowed the Iraqi Civil Conservation Force to conduct cleaning projects in the village.
"The future of Iraq is about cooperation between all players working toward a common goal," said U.S. Army Capt. Darrell Melton, Troop C commander. "Today, the (local) leaders, the national police, the Sons of Iraq, the Iraqi Civil Conservation Force and coalition forces were all working together to make the operation a success."
Soldiers from Troop C brought materials to help construct the checkpoints. The Iraqi National Police brigade provided security, while the Iraqi Civil Conservation Force removed trash that had accumulated in the town's canals and streets.
Troop C leaders believe the project will help pave the way for continued economic prosperity in the village.
"The work being done today will provide for the next generation of Iraqis," said U.S. Army 1st Lt. Jeffery Ritter, government lines of operation officer for Headquarters Troop, 3-1 Cavalry Regiment.
Hutto serves with the 3rd Infantry Division's 3rd Heavy Brigade Combat Team in the Multinational Division Center Public Affairs Office.
Salam Bedin, the local council chairman; Lt. Col. Emad, commander of 3rd Brigade, 1st National Police Division; and Sons of Iraq planned the operation, which led to the establishment of several checkpoints and allowed the Iraqi Civil Conservation Force to conduct cleaning projects in the village.
"The future of Iraq is about cooperation between all players working toward a common goal," said U.S. Army Capt. Darrell Melton, Troop C commander. "Today, the (local) leaders, the national police, the Sons of Iraq, the Iraqi Civil Conservation Force and coalition forces were all working together to make the operation a success."
Soldiers from Troop C brought materials to help construct the checkpoints. The Iraqi National Police brigade provided security, while the Iraqi Civil Conservation Force removed trash that had accumulated in the town's canals and streets.
Troop C leaders believe the project will help pave the way for continued economic prosperity in the village.
"The work being done today will provide for the next generation of Iraqis," said U.S. Army 1st Lt. Jeffery Ritter, government lines of operation officer for Headquarters Troop, 3-1 Cavalry Regiment.
Hutto serves with the 3rd Infantry Division's 3rd Heavy Brigade Combat Team in the Multinational Division Center Public Affairs Office.