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MMS student receives district award for poster
MMS peace poster winner
Midway Middle School student Alejandra Uloa stands with her principal, Debra Frazier, after winning the Liberty Coastal Lions Club’s area Peace Poster Contest.

Alejandra Ulloa, an eighth grade student at Midway Middle School, placed first in the Lions Clubs International Peace Poster Contest in Georgia District 18-N.  

Alejandra’s poster portraying her vision of “Kindness Matters” was the winner of the local contest sponsored by the Liberty Coastal Lions Club in Midway. The poster went on to district and the state levels. District 18-N consists of 59 Lions Clubs in an area stretching from Augusta to Dublin to Florida.  

The Liberty Coastal Lions Club expressed gratitude to Beverly Wulforst, media instructor at MMS, for her assistance over the past 10 years with the contest and the cooperation of MMS Principal Debra Frazier.  

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