The brown shrimp have finally entered our waters, which should improve our recreational fishing and increase the catch of trout and bass.
As we approach July, the redfish should begin to come into our area and, weather permitting, our fishing should be good for the rest of the summer and well into the fall.
With plenty of shrimp and live bait being available as well as good fishing tides for the rest of June this is the perfect opportunity to plan a fishing trip with your family and friends.
Ray Goodman, from Yellow Bluff Fishing Camp, reported the following catches. David Rogers and party caught 30 trout; Matthew Tucker and party landed 8 trout; fishing offshore, Mike and Danny Sharpe caught 2 king mackerel, seven dolphins and one cobia while Stan Kane and party caught 10 mackerel.
In the Half Moon Marina bass and trout tournament, Phillip McCaller won first place in the trout category, while Billy Kirk won first in the bass category. Toby Conner and Jake Horton finished second and third respectively in the trout category. Dale Jones caught the largest bass.
Just remember, if you go fishing, to always keep a tight line.
As we approach July, the redfish should begin to come into our area and, weather permitting, our fishing should be good for the rest of the summer and well into the fall.
With plenty of shrimp and live bait being available as well as good fishing tides for the rest of June this is the perfect opportunity to plan a fishing trip with your family and friends.
Ray Goodman, from Yellow Bluff Fishing Camp, reported the following catches. David Rogers and party caught 30 trout; Matthew Tucker and party landed 8 trout; fishing offshore, Mike and Danny Sharpe caught 2 king mackerel, seven dolphins and one cobia while Stan Kane and party caught 10 mackerel.
In the Half Moon Marina bass and trout tournament, Phillip McCaller won first place in the trout category, while Billy Kirk won first in the bass category. Toby Conner and Jake Horton finished second and third respectively in the trout category. Dale Jones caught the largest bass.
Just remember, if you go fishing, to always keep a tight line.