Hello friends Ole’ Tight Line here. Well the high tides and some strong winds have put a hold on the fishing somewhat, but I do have a couple of reports from Rayburn Goodman at Yellow BLuff and a few from the surrounding coastal areas.
Roy Redman went out and fought the wind to catch 15 trout. My old friend George Johnson, his wife Mary Ann and son Dana hauled in 12 keepers, two being a 21 inch trout and a 19 inch trout. They also brought in 3 nice flounder and a couple of spot tail bass. Not bad for a man from Michigan.
Yellow Bluff reports having plenty of live shrimp and minnows.
So take some tim to go fishing. Remember if you do go , to always keep a tight line.
Your Buddy,
Ole’ Tight Line
Hey folks, Tight Line Jr here and the dock tour is still moving along. This week, fishing with Lu’ and Boo, we landed two nice flounder, three sheephead, two snapper and three big croaker.
We also sight a sight this week that was very interesting. Two big black drum, swimming against the current in the Half Moon River on the outgoing tide, were popping sea grapes off the bottom of a floating dock in the swift water.
Man it sounded like a cork popping out of a wine bottle. No wonder I couldn’t get them to bite they were full of sea grapes.
Remember keep a sharp eye, and watch that cork go down.
Your Buddy,
Tight Line Jr.
Tides slow fishing
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