Why is the turtle crossing the road? To get to the other side, hopefully without being squashed by a car! Turtle travel is on the rise this time of year as turtles search for mates and scope out suitable spots to lay eggs. Eastern box turtles also move around more after rain, hoping to gobble up emerging worms.
Without risking your life or the lives of others, slow down and drive
around turtles when possible. On quiet streets, it may
be safe to move a turtle out
of the road. But be sure to put it in the direction it was fac-ing.
WILD Facts is a regular feature written by Linda May, a wildlife interpretive specialist with the Georgia DNR Wildlife Resources Division.
Without risking your life or the lives of others, slow down and drive
around turtles when possible. On quiet streets, it may
be safe to move a turtle out
of the road. But be sure to put it in the direction it was fac-ing.
WILD Facts is a regular feature written by Linda May, a wildlife interpretive specialist with the Georgia DNR Wildlife Resources Division.