The Eastern District Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department recently completed refurbishiong its 29-foot fire rescue boat, Marine 1. In honor of the event, a dinner and awards ceremony were held at the firehouse.
Medals of honor and valor were awarded to Assistant Fire Chief Brad Waugh, firefighter Nick Martin and firefighter Andrew Martin. The medal of honor commemorates outstanding service completed in the line of duty. In this case, four specific rescues were cited, where 24 people were saved from perilous situations.
The medal of valor was awarded for a specific rescue call, during which three lives were saved when inexperienced kayakers were swept out to sea by strong winds in St. Catherines sound.
Marine I has been in service since 2011 and has responded to countless calls for assistance. In addition, it frequently is called on to assist the U.S. Coast Guard with search-and-rescue missions.
The refurbishment of the boat was made possible by donations from the citizens of the east end of Liberty County, which it serves.
Eastern District firefighters mark achievements
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