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Treat drought like other disasters
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ATLANTA — Georgia’s Drought Response Unified Command recommends Georgia families treat the drought like all potential disasters and emergencies. Georgians should always be prepared with a disaster supply kit, including a three-day supply of food and water as well as a first aid kit, a radio, batteries and any necessary medication.
“With each season change, the Georgia Emergency Management Agency reminds the public how important it is to prepare for any potential disaster or inclement winter weather conditions with a disaster supply kit,” said GEMA Director Charley English. Regardless of the season or situation, it is important for individuals and families to be prepared with the necessary supplies. Experts recommend all kits include one gallon of water, per person, per day for every member of the family.
A normally active person should use two quarts for drinking and two quarts for daily food preparation and hygiene. Hot environments can double that amount. Children, nursing mothers and ill people need even more water. 
As people stock food in their disaster supply kit, they should look for foods that require little if any water for preparation. They should also look for canned foods that contain water as a primary ingredient. When normal water sources may be temporarily unavailable, it is especially important to have a clean water supply on hand.

How to store water

Store tap water in clean, plastic containers, such as soft drink bottles, or purchase commercially bottled water. Consider purchasing containers of water a few at a time when you go to the grocery store. This will help you to manage the expense of stocking water for long term use. Keep bottled water in its original container, and do not open it until you need to use it. Store water in a cool, dark place and rotate your supply every six months.
Don’t forget to store extra water and supplies in your emergency supply kit if you have pets.
DRUC comprises the directors of the Environmental Protection Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, the Georgia Emergency Management Agency, the Georgia Environmental Facilities Authority, and the Georgia Division of Public Health. It was established by Governor Sonny Perdue to coordinate the state’s role in mitigating the effects of Georgia’s ongoing drought. For more information, visit
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