There was birthday cake all around Thursday evening — even if the attendees weren’t celebrating the anniversary of their birth.
But they were celebrating. And there was plenty to celebrate, as the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life held a birthday party for cancer survivors.
Cancer survivors were encouraged to share their stories, and their successes.
“Sometimes it helps when you share your story for other people to hear,” event lead Dr. Karen Bell said, “and sometimes it’s good for you to hear your story. We want you all to have another birthday. The cancer research money we raise is to make sure everyone with cancer has another birthday.”
Bell said Relay has taken an even bigger meaning in her life after her father was diagnosed with cancer.
The Relay for Life, one of the biggest annual fundraising events for the American Cancer Society, will be held May 12 at the Liberty County Recreation Department, with a survivor celebration at 5 p.m. and opening ceremonies at 7 p.m.
Because of research funded through events such as Relay, cancer deaths have declined by 23% since 1991, Flemington Mayor Paul Hawkins said in his proclamation for the Liberty County Relay for Life.
According to the American Cancer Society, 1.9 million Americans likely will be diagnosed with some form of cancer in 2023. As of January 1, 2022, there were 18 million Americans who had been diagnosed with cancer in the past, but many of them no longer had any trace of the disease.
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the U.S., behind only heart disease, and the ACS projects it will claim the lives of more than 600,000 Americans this year.
February is also Cancer Prevention Month, and Lauren McGrath of the ACS noted there are things people can do to prevent cancer, especially getting tested.
For more on Relay For Life, visit