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Will you volunteer for Great American Cleanup?
KLB flyer0417

This weekend we had some rain, and it was kind of cloudy, so I will take pictures of that beautiful yard I saw last week soon, and I cannot wait to share its beauty.  Well, it is time for the Great American Cleanup!  The 2021 Countywide Great American Cleanup is this Saturday, April 17, 2021, in Liberty County!  Keep America Beautiful celebrates the 23rd Great American Cleanup, from March 20 to June 20.  KAB knows that the country continues to deal with the pandemic.  It is as vital as ever to help end litter across our great nation.  This means that we should all make sure that waste (including PPE) gets placed in the trash and we all recycle based on local capabilities. 

Regarding litter collection for Great American Cleanup events, KLB will follow clear guidance to ensure our volunteer’s safety.  Keep Liberty Beautiful will adhere to guidelines from federal, state, and local public health officials so timely and accurate information can ensure our events are safe in our county.   The Great American Cleanup is the country’s most extensive community improvement program.  It kicks off with more than 4 million volunteers in more than 20,000 communities.  In Liberty County, we participate in this national effort each year because we know how vital a clean community is for our quality of life. 

Across America, communities like ours will recruit volunteers to engage in litter cleanups, beautify parks, clean shorelines and waterways, reduce waste, increase recycling, and remove litter and debris.  The Great American Cleanup prompts individuals to take greater responsibility for their local environment by conducting grassroots community service projects that engage volunteers, local businesses, and civic leaders.  A successful Great American Cleanup project must fulfill the local community’s needs; that’s why we work with the local community and business leaders, and other key stakeholders to learn about the community’s needs and carefully select and execute appropriate projects.

Volunteer efforts can have a powerful effect on our community.  Keep America Beautiful cleanup programs help create socially connected, environmentally healthy, and economically sound communities.  During the Great American Cleanup, the value of volunteer work across the nation averages $175 million in measurable benefits annually in Keep America Beautiful communities. We thank the 2021 Great American Cleanup National Sponsors: Altria Group, Aramco Americas, Diageo, The Dow Chemical Company, Igloo, Northrop Grumman, and Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company.   They help make annual Great America Cleanup events possible, but we particularly appreciate our local partners for our local cleanups.  

Many of our local cities partner with Keep Liberty Beautiful to provide appreciation picnics for volunteers after each citywide cleanup.  Also, over 100 businesses, municipalities, churches, civic organizations, schools, and youth groups, as well as individuals,  partner with Keep Liberty Beautiful to make our community cleaner and more attractive each year. These volunteer groups have a vision for our community: it should be litter-free, attractive, and healthy. These Great American Cleanup activities continue to move us toward that future. 

If you would like to participate in a Great American Cleanup, KLB can help you schedule a neighborhood or group cleanup on a day that works for you.  KLB provides all the cleanup supplies (garbage bags, safety vests, work gloves, and even litter reachers), water, and arrangements for cleanup locations. We also provide official great American Cleanup t-shirts to all registered volunteers.   Remember, the countywide cleanup is on April 17, 2021.  Be sure to sign up online at, or contact Keep Liberty Beautiful at (912) 880-4888, or email  

Just a friendly reminder for you to join us at our Annual Earth Day Celebration 2021.  Our celebration happens at Bryant Commons, 438 W. Oglethorpe Highway, Hinesville, from 4:00pm until 6:00pm on Friday, April 23, 2021.  Mark your calendar now to attend!  

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