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What is needed to get Congress back on track
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The Brunswick  News

Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., met with the Atlanta Press Club and talked about what will be needed, what will be necessary, to get Congress back on track and working again. Right now, as most know, bickering between the two political parties has reached an all-time high, and the gulf between the two is ever widening.

The best way to describe Congress right now is counterproductive. The nation is drowning in debt and the best they can come up with is nothing that is going to win public support. Everything is up in the air. Everything. And it shows.

Like a ship in a stormy sea, the nation has run aground, and all Democrats and Republicans can talk about is whose fault it is.
Meanwhile, the ship continues to founder, its captain and crew imperiled and teetering on the edge of certain death.

Members of Congress know the problem, and they know the solution — bipartisanship and a real understanding of what that means — but neither is willing to work together to get us out of this mess, to right the ship.

It’s high time the two sides remembered who they work for, and it’s not the Democrat or Republican parties, either.

They work for the people of this nation — everyone, young and old, liberal and conservative, Catholic and Baptist — everyone.

Members of Congress must stop trying to blame the other side for everything bad under the sun and start shouldering some of the blame themselves for the mammoth debt the country is in today and their own failure to move forward on anything. They’re drowning the nation in mealy mouthed rhetoric while the rest of us wonder whether we will have a job tomorrow and whether Social Security and health care will be around when we retire.


Don’t  forget oil spill

The Macon Telegraph

It’s funny how time flies. It’s been two years since the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded into one of the greatest man-made disasters to hit the United States gulf area. Eleven workers were killed after the rig exploded and a failed blow out preventer spewed millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico about 50 miles from the Louisiana coast. ...

What have we learned from the spill? Maybe not much. Certainly more restrictions have been placed on deepwater rigs, but we remain a thirsty country for energy. And while our consumption of oil has been trending down, it’s because of the economy — not the ecology. We seem unable to care for sensitive parts of the planet in our hunt for oil and natural gas. We would rather destroy to feed our energy addiction than consider the consequences of our actions. We have members of Congress who have never seen a measure to protect the environment they agree with, even though the spill in the Gulf has caused billions of dollars in damage and forced BP to sell off some of its assets to pay for the turmoil.

While environmentalists have garnered some very unflattering titles over the years and much derision, we should stop and take heed every now and again. There are times when it’s justified to place the planet’s health over the mantra of “Drill, baby drill.”


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