If running and supporting a good cause is part of your healthy lifestyle, register for the 5th Annual Puzzle Run 5k.
The run is organized by Reaching Milestones and numerous community partners. Each year Reaching Milestones takes it an extra mile to raise Autism Awareness by putting on the Puzzle Run to raise money for a cause that supports the special needs community. The months leading up to the event, Reaching Milestones gathers sponsors and vendors to help put on the event. Additionally, Reaching Milestones works with businesses in the community to set up fundraisers in which a percentage of the business's profits is donated to the cause as well.
For 2019, the 5th Annual Puzzle Run 5k will be donating all proceeds to benefit the Bryan County and
Liberty County Special Olympics.
The run will begin at 9 a.m. Saturday, April 6, at J.F. Gregory Park, 521 Cedar Street in Richmond Hill. The race will continue through the day until all runners have finished. Vendors and sponsors participating in the event can spread awareness of their services to run attendees.
If you would like to run, tickets are available now at the early registration price on www.savannahraces.com. Ticket prices will go up to regular price Feb. 1.
For more information and updates on the sponsors attending the event or fundraisers to support the
run, check out the 5th Annual Puzzle Run 5k Facebook page.
Businesses interested in becoming vendors or sponsors can contact Hailey Hinderman at hhinderman@reachingmilestones.com or 912-756-0656.