YMCA Dance classes
• Baby Ballet: Wednesdays, 4:45-5:15 p.m.
• Creative movement: Wednesdays at 4:15-4:45 p.m.
Both classes are $22 for members and $35 for others. Classes started in October. For information call 368-9622.
Bobcat Classic
The Bobcat Classic in Bluffton, S.C., is looking for boys and girls basketball teams to compete in a tournament Dec. 29-31.There is a $100 entry fee. For Information, call Lonnie Roberts at 843-706-8805 or e-mail lr6461@beaufort.k12.sc.us.
Early registration for Liberty County YMCA micro-basketball leagues for ages 4-14 runs through Nov. 21. All players must be registered by Nov. 30 and practices begin Dec. 13. Games begin Jan. 24. Practices will be scheduled during the week. Some practices may be scheduled on weekends depending on the coach, and games will be played on weekends and/or weekday evenings. 6 and under costs $40 for members, $50 for non-member. All other divisions are $50 for members and $60 for non-members. Registration after Nov. 21 will include an additional $10 fee. League eligibility is determined by a child's age as of Jan. 1. For more information, call Richard Somerville 368-5287.
Tiger sweatshirts
for sale
The Bradwell Tigers baseball booster club has BI Tiger sweatshirts for sale. They are $25 and will be available at the Friday home game against Camden. Purchases may also be coordinated by calling Rhett Hellgren at 368-6123 and leaving a call back number. The proceeds benefit the Bradwell Tiger baseball team and boosters.
Kiss-A-Pig bowling
The theme for the 2009 Kiss-A-Pig is “The Olympigs” and Liberty County wants to bring back a gold medal like they did last year.
Hinesville candidate Jason Rogers from the Liberty County School Board wants to remind everyone that November is American Diabetes month. Rogers and Team Liberty are hosting the first campaign event, a bowling tournament, from noon-3 p.m. Nov. 9 at Marne Lanes. Lane sponsors cost $115. Four-person teams are $35 per person. For more information, call Kim Sachau at 880-2236 or e-mailkim.
Jamie Cooke, who is certified with 16 years experience instructing couples and singles in ballroom, swing, Latin and country western dance, will teach ballroom dancing at the YMCA. Cost is $90 for members, $135 for non-members. For more information, call Richard Somerville 368-5287.
Hall of fame
The Liberty County Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet will be at Club Stewart at 7 p.m. on Dec. 11. For tickets or more information, call Gerald Deloach at 876-2878, the LCRD at 876-5359 or Charles Shuman at 876-2223.
Revolutionary War focus
A Revolutionary War Encampment is from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday,
Nov. 22, at Fort Morris Historic Site in Midway. The encampment commemorates Col. John McIntosh's defiant reply to a British demand for surrender, "Come and Take It!" There will be colonial demonstrations. Interpreters in historical attire will represent a variety of colonial life. $1.75-$3 884-5999.
LCRD winter
Registration is now underway at the Liberty County Recreation Department for the following winter programs. For additional information and online registration, go to www.lcrd.net or call 876-5359.
Youth basketball and cheerleading
For Liberty County residents who turn 7 and do not turn 18 prior to Jan. 1. Cost is $15 for basketball and $10 for cheerleading. The deadline for registration is Nov. 21. A birth certificate or other age verification must be on file at LCRD for all participants. Volunteer coaches are needed for all age divisions.
Adult basketball
For ages 18 and up. The entry fee is $150 per team. Deadline for entries is Nov. 21. The program starts in January.
Adult flag football
For ages 16 and up. The entry fee is $200. Deadline for entering a team is Dec. 5. The program will start in January.
Youth wrestling
For ages 7-17. The cost is $30 per month. This is a year round program.
For ages 12 and up. The cost is $25. The program will start in January.
basketball and
Registration for CYS youth basketball and cheerleading is under way until Dec. 15, or when all slots are filled. These programs are open to CYS members living on or off-post in the following age categories: basketball, ages 5-18 (age as of Jan. 1) and cheerleading, ages 6-13 (age as of Dec. 31). Register at Fort Stewart CYS, building 443 on Gulick Avenue (next to Corkan Pool). CYS hours of operation are 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Wednesday.
For more information on registration procedures, call 767-2312. For more information on the following sports programs, call 767-4371 (basketball) or 767-2815 (cheerleading). Volunteers are needed to coach basketball teams and cheerleading squads. If interested, please visit CYS or Jordan Youth Gym (building 608) to fill out a volunteer application and submit to a background check.
gymnastic schedules, fees
Bouncing bunnies: 18-30 months, $22 member, $33 non-member
Jumping jitterbugs: 30 months-3 years old, $28 member, $42 non-member
Mighty munchkins: 3-4 years, $28 member, $42 non-member
Beginner girls/boys: 5-6 years, $35 member, $53 non-member
Beginner girls/boys: 7 and up, $35 member, $53 non-member
Intermediate girls: placement only, $44 member, $66 non-member
Advanced boys: placement only, $44 member, $66 non-member
Gym stars: placement only, $60 member, $60 non-member
For dates and times call Haley Buchanan or Richard Somerville at 368-9622 or 368-5287.
• Baby Ballet: Wednesdays, 4:45-5:15 p.m.
• Creative movement: Wednesdays at 4:15-4:45 p.m.
Both classes are $22 for members and $35 for others. Classes started in October. For information call 368-9622.
Bobcat Classic
The Bobcat Classic in Bluffton, S.C., is looking for boys and girls basketball teams to compete in a tournament Dec. 29-31.There is a $100 entry fee. For Information, call Lonnie Roberts at 843-706-8805 or e-mail lr6461@beaufort.k12.sc.us.
Early registration for Liberty County YMCA micro-basketball leagues for ages 4-14 runs through Nov. 21. All players must be registered by Nov. 30 and practices begin Dec. 13. Games begin Jan. 24. Practices will be scheduled during the week. Some practices may be scheduled on weekends depending on the coach, and games will be played on weekends and/or weekday evenings. 6 and under costs $40 for members, $50 for non-member. All other divisions are $50 for members and $60 for non-members. Registration after Nov. 21 will include an additional $10 fee. League eligibility is determined by a child's age as of Jan. 1. For more information, call Richard Somerville 368-5287.
Tiger sweatshirts
for sale
The Bradwell Tigers baseball booster club has BI Tiger sweatshirts for sale. They are $25 and will be available at the Friday home game against Camden. Purchases may also be coordinated by calling Rhett Hellgren at 368-6123 and leaving a call back number. The proceeds benefit the Bradwell Tiger baseball team and boosters.
Kiss-A-Pig bowling
The theme for the 2009 Kiss-A-Pig is “The Olympigs” and Liberty County wants to bring back a gold medal like they did last year.
Hinesville candidate Jason Rogers from the Liberty County School Board wants to remind everyone that November is American Diabetes month. Rogers and Team Liberty are hosting the first campaign event, a bowling tournament, from noon-3 p.m. Nov. 9 at Marne Lanes. Lane sponsors cost $115. Four-person teams are $35 per person. For more information, call Kim Sachau at 880-2236 or e-mailkim.
Jamie Cooke, who is certified with 16 years experience instructing couples and singles in ballroom, swing, Latin and country western dance, will teach ballroom dancing at the YMCA. Cost is $90 for members, $135 for non-members. For more information, call Richard Somerville 368-5287.
Hall of fame
The Liberty County Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet will be at Club Stewart at 7 p.m. on Dec. 11. For tickets or more information, call Gerald Deloach at 876-2878, the LCRD at 876-5359 or Charles Shuman at 876-2223.
Revolutionary War focus
A Revolutionary War Encampment is from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday,
Nov. 22, at Fort Morris Historic Site in Midway. The encampment commemorates Col. John McIntosh's defiant reply to a British demand for surrender, "Come and Take It!" There will be colonial demonstrations. Interpreters in historical attire will represent a variety of colonial life. $1.75-$3 884-5999.
LCRD winter
Registration is now underway at the Liberty County Recreation Department for the following winter programs. For additional information and online registration, go to www.lcrd.net or call 876-5359.
Youth basketball and cheerleading
For Liberty County residents who turn 7 and do not turn 18 prior to Jan. 1. Cost is $15 for basketball and $10 for cheerleading. The deadline for registration is Nov. 21. A birth certificate or other age verification must be on file at LCRD for all participants. Volunteer coaches are needed for all age divisions.
Adult basketball
For ages 18 and up. The entry fee is $150 per team. Deadline for entries is Nov. 21. The program starts in January.
Adult flag football
For ages 16 and up. The entry fee is $200. Deadline for entering a team is Dec. 5. The program will start in January.
Youth wrestling
For ages 7-17. The cost is $30 per month. This is a year round program.
For ages 12 and up. The cost is $25. The program will start in January.
basketball and
Registration for CYS youth basketball and cheerleading is under way until Dec. 15, or when all slots are filled. These programs are open to CYS members living on or off-post in the following age categories: basketball, ages 5-18 (age as of Jan. 1) and cheerleading, ages 6-13 (age as of Dec. 31). Register at Fort Stewart CYS, building 443 on Gulick Avenue (next to Corkan Pool). CYS hours of operation are 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Wednesday.
For more information on registration procedures, call 767-2312. For more information on the following sports programs, call 767-4371 (basketball) or 767-2815 (cheerleading). Volunteers are needed to coach basketball teams and cheerleading squads. If interested, please visit CYS or Jordan Youth Gym (building 608) to fill out a volunteer application and submit to a background check.
gymnastic schedules, fees
Bouncing bunnies: 18-30 months, $22 member, $33 non-member
Jumping jitterbugs: 30 months-3 years old, $28 member, $42 non-member
Mighty munchkins: 3-4 years, $28 member, $42 non-member
Beginner girls/boys: 5-6 years, $35 member, $53 non-member
Beginner girls/boys: 7 and up, $35 member, $53 non-member
Intermediate girls: placement only, $44 member, $66 non-member
Advanced boys: placement only, $44 member, $66 non-member
Gym stars: placement only, $60 member, $60 non-member
For dates and times call Haley Buchanan or Richard Somerville at 368-9622 or 368-5287.