Joshua Michael Pugh was born on Jan. 19 at 9:38 p.m. to Sara and Josh Pugh of Allenhurst.
He was born at Liberty Regional Medical Center and weighed 9 pounds, 14 1/2 ounces and measured 22 inches.
His maternal grandparents are Deborah Ford and Harold Hudgins of Gloucester, Va., and his paternal grandmother is Penny Cory of Porthsmouth, Va.
Coastal Courier (Hinesville, GA) Jan. 28. 2007
He was born at Liberty Regional Medical Center and weighed 9 pounds, 14 1/2 ounces and measured 22 inches.
His maternal grandparents are Deborah Ford and Harold Hudgins of Gloucester, Va., and his paternal grandmother is Penny Cory of Porthsmouth, Va.
Coastal Courier (Hinesville, GA) Jan. 28. 2007