Fort Stewart, GA
Soldiers from the 2nd “Spartan” Brigade Combat Team are feeling the positive effects of their newly implemented CrossFit Physical Training program.
After six weeks of the cross-fit physical training, the first results of testing have resulted in Soldiers experiencing an average increase of five-to eight-points in their Army Physical Fitness Test, according to Brigade Physical Therapist Capt. Pat Casey, 2HBCT.
“Six weeks ago we asked all the companies within the brigade to conduct a physical fitness test as a baseline prior to implementing the new cross-fit regime. Now after conducting another physical fitness test we are showing proven results that the training does improve the overall fitness of Soldiers,” said Capt. Casey.
Much of the success of the training can be attested to the focus on total body physical fitness, according to Capt. Jeremy Brown, commander, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2HBCT.
“Traditional Army Physical Training focuses solely on running, sit-ups, and pushups, where CrossFit focuses on total body and core strength," he said.
He continues, "In the past, Soldiers were limiting themselves to only running as a form of cardio, but, through CrossFit, we have shown that there are many other forms of cardio such as climbing and jumping which focus on the total body, ultimately, leading to better combat fitness for the Soldier,” Capt. Brown said.
According to Capt. Casey, one of the most beneficial effects of CrossFit training has been the decrease of physical training associated injuries during the six-week testing period.
“The new training doesn’t just focus on a single event, like running for several days, for example; instead, it incorporates different exercises that work different body parts, which we’ve found causes less wear and tear on joints and muscles because of the variety of the workouts,” said Capt. Casey.
Captain Brown agrees that within his company the lower number of Soldier injuries and Soldiers currently on temporary profile is due to the CrossFit training.
“We’ve found that the number of profiles are down and Soldiers haven’t been complaining of aches and pains, yet every day the Soldiers continue to get stronger and are able to push themselves even further,” Capt. Brown said.