Editor, The Coastal Soil and Water Conservation District encourage you to think about your personal responsibility to be a good steward of natural resources during the week of April 25-May 2.
In 1955, the National Association of Conservation Districts began a national program to encourage Americans to focus on stewardship. It is one of the world’s largest conservation-related observances.
Soil is a dirty topic, but everyone needs to learn more about it. Each community has a variety of soil types. Just like your family members, each soil has a different personality and name. Liberty County, for instance, has soils with names such as blanton, bohicket, capers, chipley, echaw, ellabelle, foxworth, riceboro and many more. These differences in soil are very important when deciding what you would like to do with the land.
Soil maps and related soil data can provide information for a variety of land users including homeowners, gardeners, farmers, developers, home builders, engineers, community planners and others. To learn more about soils in Liberty County visit http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/ for a Web Soil Survey that can assist landowners when making important decisions about their property.
About 85 percent of the total land area in Liberty County is forest land and less than.5 percent is farmland. The rest is mainly marshland, urban land, beaches and water. Wildlife habitat is abundant throughout the county. The large acreage of forest land and the availability of water attract many kinds of wildlife.
Soil supports forests, wetlands, grasslands, tundra and aquatic ecosystems. Soil makes up the outer layer of the earth’s surface, it nourishes the plants we eat, the animals we use for food and the thriving underground kingdom of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, earthworms and other microbes that are critical to the planet’s food web. Soil directly and indirectly affects agricultural production, water quality and climate.
Thanks to the earth’s soils, most of the rainfall hitting the planet is trapped and absorbed, watering plants and replenishing aquifers, rivers, lakes and streams.
The Coastal Conservation District encourages you to think about your personal responsibility to be a good steward of natural resources during its annual Stewardship Week celebration. If you have any questions regarding the activities of the CSWCD you can contact M.L. Coffer or Jerry Holcomb, the Liberty County Soil and Water Conservation District supervisors.
Help us celebrate Soil Stewardship Week from April 25-May 2.
— Jerry Holcomb
In 1955, the National Association of Conservation Districts began a national program to encourage Americans to focus on stewardship. It is one of the world’s largest conservation-related observances.
Soil is a dirty topic, but everyone needs to learn more about it. Each community has a variety of soil types. Just like your family members, each soil has a different personality and name. Liberty County, for instance, has soils with names such as blanton, bohicket, capers, chipley, echaw, ellabelle, foxworth, riceboro and many more. These differences in soil are very important when deciding what you would like to do with the land.
Soil maps and related soil data can provide information for a variety of land users including homeowners, gardeners, farmers, developers, home builders, engineers, community planners and others. To learn more about soils in Liberty County visit http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/ for a Web Soil Survey that can assist landowners when making important decisions about their property.
About 85 percent of the total land area in Liberty County is forest land and less than.5 percent is farmland. The rest is mainly marshland, urban land, beaches and water. Wildlife habitat is abundant throughout the county. The large acreage of forest land and the availability of water attract many kinds of wildlife.
Soil supports forests, wetlands, grasslands, tundra and aquatic ecosystems. Soil makes up the outer layer of the earth’s surface, it nourishes the plants we eat, the animals we use for food and the thriving underground kingdom of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, earthworms and other microbes that are critical to the planet’s food web. Soil directly and indirectly affects agricultural production, water quality and climate.
Thanks to the earth’s soils, most of the rainfall hitting the planet is trapped and absorbed, watering plants and replenishing aquifers, rivers, lakes and streams.
The Coastal Conservation District encourages you to think about your personal responsibility to be a good steward of natural resources during its annual Stewardship Week celebration. If you have any questions regarding the activities of the CSWCD you can contact M.L. Coffer or Jerry Holcomb, the Liberty County Soil and Water Conservation District supervisors.
Help us celebrate Soil Stewardship Week from April 25-May 2.
— Jerry Holcomb