Twilight Special
at golf course
The Cherokee Rose Golf Course offers a twilight special.
Every Monday-Thursday after 3 p.m. you can play 18 holes at for $19 plus tax. The fee includes cart. For more information, call the course office at 876-5503.
LCRD baseball clinics
The Liberty County Recreation Department will host a series of youth baseball clinics from 3-5:30 p.m. each Sunday in April and May. All clinics will be held at the baseball complex. A $5 fee must be paid at the LCRD Office by 6 p.m. on the Friday prior to each clinic. For more info, call 876-5359.
CYS registrations
Registration for youth T-ball, baseball, and girls softball is underway and will end on May 5, or when all slots are filled. Sports programs are open to all CYS members, both boys and girls, for the following ages: 4-6 T-ball (age as of May 1); 7-14 baseball (age as of Aug 1); and 7-12 girls’ softball (age as of Jan 1). For more information, call 767-4371. To register in person visit the Fort Stewart CYS, Bldg. 443, Gulick Ave. (next to Corkan pool). Hours are Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (9-6 on Wednesday). Sports registration is free to children of any parent currently deployed. Volunteers are needed to coach. If interested, call CYS at 767-2312 or Youth Sports Office at 767-4371.
St. James Sports
Center summer day camp
Registration for the St. James summer day camp will start April 17 and run until May 1. School age children, 5-13, are eligible. Registration fees are $50 per week and include breakfast and lunch. The children will have plenty to do with arts and crafts, board games, movies, bowling and planned field trips to Summer Waves and Chuck E. Cheese among some of the activities. Camp runs from 7:15 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. For more information call 884-3016 or 980-4559. Registration hours are Monday-Friday 2-7 p.m.
Robert Sapp
Baseball Camp
Is accepting applications for its summer session in Richmond Hill. The camp runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. from June 30-July 3 and is for boys ages 7-14. The fee is $100 but team rates are available. Information and brochures can be obtained by calling (912) 756-4626 oe e-meiling us at Information is also available on the website at
Ten Star All Star
Basketball Camp
The Ten Star All Star Basketball Camp is accepting applications for the summer basketball camp. Boys and girls age 10-19 are eligible to apply. The camp will be held in Gainesville, Ga., July 27-31 at Brenau University. For more information, call (704) 373-0873 or visit
HABR golf tournament
The annual Hinesville Area Board of Realtors’ Golf Tournament benefiting the American Cancer Society has been rescheduled for Saturday, June 7, at the Cherokee Rose Golf Course. There will be a Harley Davidson motorcycle prize for a hole in one. For more information, call Edith Dawson at 977-4491 or email or Edward Milan at 610-1158 or email at
at golf course
The Cherokee Rose Golf Course offers a twilight special.
Every Monday-Thursday after 3 p.m. you can play 18 holes at for $19 plus tax. The fee includes cart. For more information, call the course office at 876-5503.
LCRD baseball clinics
The Liberty County Recreation Department will host a series of youth baseball clinics from 3-5:30 p.m. each Sunday in April and May. All clinics will be held at the baseball complex. A $5 fee must be paid at the LCRD Office by 6 p.m. on the Friday prior to each clinic. For more info, call 876-5359.
CYS registrations
Registration for youth T-ball, baseball, and girls softball is underway and will end on May 5, or when all slots are filled. Sports programs are open to all CYS members, both boys and girls, for the following ages: 4-6 T-ball (age as of May 1); 7-14 baseball (age as of Aug 1); and 7-12 girls’ softball (age as of Jan 1). For more information, call 767-4371. To register in person visit the Fort Stewart CYS, Bldg. 443, Gulick Ave. (next to Corkan pool). Hours are Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (9-6 on Wednesday). Sports registration is free to children of any parent currently deployed. Volunteers are needed to coach. If interested, call CYS at 767-2312 or Youth Sports Office at 767-4371.
St. James Sports
Center summer day camp
Registration for the St. James summer day camp will start April 17 and run until May 1. School age children, 5-13, are eligible. Registration fees are $50 per week and include breakfast and lunch. The children will have plenty to do with arts and crafts, board games, movies, bowling and planned field trips to Summer Waves and Chuck E. Cheese among some of the activities. Camp runs from 7:15 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. For more information call 884-3016 or 980-4559. Registration hours are Monday-Friday 2-7 p.m.
Robert Sapp
Baseball Camp
Is accepting applications for its summer session in Richmond Hill. The camp runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. from June 30-July 3 and is for boys ages 7-14. The fee is $100 but team rates are available. Information and brochures can be obtained by calling (912) 756-4626 oe e-meiling us at Information is also available on the website at
Ten Star All Star
Basketball Camp
The Ten Star All Star Basketball Camp is accepting applications for the summer basketball camp. Boys and girls age 10-19 are eligible to apply. The camp will be held in Gainesville, Ga., July 27-31 at Brenau University. For more information, call (704) 373-0873 or visit
HABR golf tournament
The annual Hinesville Area Board of Realtors’ Golf Tournament benefiting the American Cancer Society has been rescheduled for Saturday, June 7, at the Cherokee Rose Golf Course. There will be a Harley Davidson motorcycle prize for a hole in one. For more information, call Edith Dawson at 977-4491 or email or Edward Milan at 610-1158 or email at