4th annual Henry "Hank" White Memorial Golf Tournament
Registrations are being accepted for the fourth annual Henry "Hank" White Memorial Golf Tournament, which will be Saturday, Aug. 9, at Cherokee Rose Country Club in Hinesville.
Proceeds benefit eligible, college-bound seniors and adults by providing scholarships to qualified candidates. Last year's contributions from sponsors and donors made five $1,000 scholarships possible. They went to Justin Leachman, Bradley Price, Latasha Williams, Sam Wilson and Rebecca Woods. Since 2005, $17,000 in scholarships have been awarded.
The tournament will have a shotgun start at 9 a.m. The entry fee is $50 per person or $200 per team. Register by Aug. 2.
For more information, call Derrick A. Taylor at 977-6714 or Hank White Jr. at 663-0827 or email to derrick.taylor@us.army.mil or nrt@coastalnow.net.
Twilight Special
at golf course
The Cherokee Rose Golf Course offers a twilight special. Every
Monday-Thursday after 3 p.m. you can play 18 holes for $19, plus tax. The fee includes a cart. For more information, call the course at 876-5503.
LCRD fall baseball
Registration for fall baseball at the Liberty County Recreation Department will be conducted during the month of August. Age divisions are 7-9 machine pitch and 10-12 live pitch leagues. The age cut-off date is May 1. Games will be conducted in September and October. The fee is $45 per child. Volunteer coaches are needed for all teams. Additional information and online registration is available at www.lcrd.net or you may call the LCRD Office at 876-5359.
YMCA soccer and
flag football
Soccer and flag football registration is under way and continues until Aug. 15. Practice for both sports begins the week of Sept. 6. Both sports are for ages 3-16 and eligibility is determined by your child’s age as of Aug. 1. For more information, call Richard Somerville at 912-368-5287.
Bradwell Football
discount cards
The Bradwell Tigers are selling community discount cards for $10 each. The cards are redeemable at many local restaurants and stores including Applebee's, Chili's, Goodys, Pro-Feet and more. For more information, call 368-6123. If no one answers leave a message and someone from the athletics department will return your call. The cards are available through Aug. 9.
LCRD football and
Registration will be Aug. 1-22 for youth football and cheerleading at the Liberty County Recreation Department. Football is for 7-14 year olds and cheerleading is for ages 7-12. Age is determined as of Sept. 1. Football age divisions are flag football for 7-8 year olds and tackle football for 9-10, 11-12 and 13-14 year olds. Weight restrictions apply to the 9-10 and 11-12 divisions. Cost is $15 per child for flag football and $10 per child for all other divisions. All equipment is provided, except pants for tackle football players. Teams will be formed in Midway, Walthourville, Riceboro and Gum Branch if there are enough participants. Volunteer coaches are needed for all teams. Additional information and online registration is available at www.lcrd.net or you may call the LCRD Office at 876-5359.
Marne Lanes
bowling leagues
Marne Lanes Bowling Center announces their bowling leagues:
• Monday night open mixed league, 4 per team, meeting on Sept. 8, at 6:30p.m., bowling starts after meeting, call 369-8384.
• Senior mixed classic league, 3 per team, starting on Sept. 8, at 10 a.m., call 369-7205
• Tuesday night open mixed league, 4 per team, starting on Sept.2, at 7 p.m.
• Tuesday scratch trio open league, 4 per team, starting on Sept. 2, at 7 p.m., call 369-4777
• Wednesday senior friends Hi/Lo singles/doubles league, 1 per team, starting on Sept. 10, at 10 a.m., call 369-7205
• Wednesday night mixed doubles league, 4 per team, starting on Sept. 3, at 7 p.m., call 369-7205
• Thursday morning coffee ladies league, 3 per team, starting on Sept. 4 at 9 a.m., call 369-7205
• Thursday night church open mixed league, 4 per team, starting on Sept. Sept. 4, at 7 p.m., call 767-4866
• Friday night open mixed league, 4 per team, starting on Sept. 5, at 7 p.m., call 368-3216
• Saturday morning youth league, 4 per team, sign up will be on Sept. 6 at 9 a.m., call 369-8384. League starts Sept. 20. Ages 3-18.
For more information, call the Center at 767-4866.
CYS youth football, soccer and cheerleading
Registration for CYS youth football and cheerleading is under way through Aug. 18, or when slots are full. Football is open to CYS members age 7-12 as of Aug. 1. Members age 13 will be placed on a waiting list if there are enough players to form an 11-13 league.
Cheerleading is open to CYS members age 6-13 as of Dec. 31. Sports fees are waived for CYS members of parents currently deployed.
Fall Soccer registartion begins Aug. 1 and will end on Sept. 12, or when all slots are filled and is open to all CYS members age 4 through 13, as of Aug. 1.
Register at Fort Stewart CYS, bldg. 443, Gulick Ave (next to Corkan Pool). The CYS office is open Mon., Tue., Thu., Fri., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Wed., 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. For more information call CYS at 767-2312 or Youth Sports office at 767-4371.
Volunteers are needed to coach football and soccer teams and cheerleading squads. Anyone interested in coaching should call 767-4371/9270 for football and 767-2815 for cheerleading. New volunteers must visit Jordan Youth Gym (bldg. 608 on W. 6th St.) to fill out a volunteer form and submit to a background check.
LCRD soccer
Registration for youth soccer at the Liberty County Recreation Department will be Aug. 1-22. This program is for ages 4-17, as of Aug. 1. The fee is $18 per child. Games will be played on weekday evenings at James A. Brown Park, starting in late September. Volunteer coaches are needed for all teams. Additional information and online registration is available at www.lcrd.net or you may call the LCRD Office at 876-5359.
Registrations are being accepted for the fourth annual Henry "Hank" White Memorial Golf Tournament, which will be Saturday, Aug. 9, at Cherokee Rose Country Club in Hinesville.
Proceeds benefit eligible, college-bound seniors and adults by providing scholarships to qualified candidates. Last year's contributions from sponsors and donors made five $1,000 scholarships possible. They went to Justin Leachman, Bradley Price, Latasha Williams, Sam Wilson and Rebecca Woods. Since 2005, $17,000 in scholarships have been awarded.
The tournament will have a shotgun start at 9 a.m. The entry fee is $50 per person or $200 per team. Register by Aug. 2.
For more information, call Derrick A. Taylor at 977-6714 or Hank White Jr. at 663-0827 or email to derrick.taylor@us.army.mil or nrt@coastalnow.net.
Twilight Special
at golf course
The Cherokee Rose Golf Course offers a twilight special. Every
Monday-Thursday after 3 p.m. you can play 18 holes for $19, plus tax. The fee includes a cart. For more information, call the course at 876-5503.
LCRD fall baseball
Registration for fall baseball at the Liberty County Recreation Department will be conducted during the month of August. Age divisions are 7-9 machine pitch and 10-12 live pitch leagues. The age cut-off date is May 1. Games will be conducted in September and October. The fee is $45 per child. Volunteer coaches are needed for all teams. Additional information and online registration is available at www.lcrd.net or you may call the LCRD Office at 876-5359.
YMCA soccer and
flag football
Soccer and flag football registration is under way and continues until Aug. 15. Practice for both sports begins the week of Sept. 6. Both sports are for ages 3-16 and eligibility is determined by your child’s age as of Aug. 1. For more information, call Richard Somerville at 912-368-5287.
Bradwell Football
discount cards
The Bradwell Tigers are selling community discount cards for $10 each. The cards are redeemable at many local restaurants and stores including Applebee's, Chili's, Goodys, Pro-Feet and more. For more information, call 368-6123. If no one answers leave a message and someone from the athletics department will return your call. The cards are available through Aug. 9.
LCRD football and
Registration will be Aug. 1-22 for youth football and cheerleading at the Liberty County Recreation Department. Football is for 7-14 year olds and cheerleading is for ages 7-12. Age is determined as of Sept. 1. Football age divisions are flag football for 7-8 year olds and tackle football for 9-10, 11-12 and 13-14 year olds. Weight restrictions apply to the 9-10 and 11-12 divisions. Cost is $15 per child for flag football and $10 per child for all other divisions. All equipment is provided, except pants for tackle football players. Teams will be formed in Midway, Walthourville, Riceboro and Gum Branch if there are enough participants. Volunteer coaches are needed for all teams. Additional information and online registration is available at www.lcrd.net or you may call the LCRD Office at 876-5359.
Marne Lanes
bowling leagues
Marne Lanes Bowling Center announces their bowling leagues:
• Monday night open mixed league, 4 per team, meeting on Sept. 8, at 6:30p.m., bowling starts after meeting, call 369-8384.
• Senior mixed classic league, 3 per team, starting on Sept. 8, at 10 a.m., call 369-7205
• Tuesday night open mixed league, 4 per team, starting on Sept.2, at 7 p.m.
• Tuesday scratch trio open league, 4 per team, starting on Sept. 2, at 7 p.m., call 369-4777
• Wednesday senior friends Hi/Lo singles/doubles league, 1 per team, starting on Sept. 10, at 10 a.m., call 369-7205
• Wednesday night mixed doubles league, 4 per team, starting on Sept. 3, at 7 p.m., call 369-7205
• Thursday morning coffee ladies league, 3 per team, starting on Sept. 4 at 9 a.m., call 369-7205
• Thursday night church open mixed league, 4 per team, starting on Sept. Sept. 4, at 7 p.m., call 767-4866
• Friday night open mixed league, 4 per team, starting on Sept. 5, at 7 p.m., call 368-3216
• Saturday morning youth league, 4 per team, sign up will be on Sept. 6 at 9 a.m., call 369-8384. League starts Sept. 20. Ages 3-18.
For more information, call the Center at 767-4866.
CYS youth football, soccer and cheerleading
Registration for CYS youth football and cheerleading is under way through Aug. 18, or when slots are full. Football is open to CYS members age 7-12 as of Aug. 1. Members age 13 will be placed on a waiting list if there are enough players to form an 11-13 league.
Cheerleading is open to CYS members age 6-13 as of Dec. 31. Sports fees are waived for CYS members of parents currently deployed.
Fall Soccer registartion begins Aug. 1 and will end on Sept. 12, or when all slots are filled and is open to all CYS members age 4 through 13, as of Aug. 1.
Register at Fort Stewart CYS, bldg. 443, Gulick Ave (next to Corkan Pool). The CYS office is open Mon., Tue., Thu., Fri., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Wed., 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. For more information call CYS at 767-2312 or Youth Sports office at 767-4371.
Volunteers are needed to coach football and soccer teams and cheerleading squads. Anyone interested in coaching should call 767-4371/9270 for football and 767-2815 for cheerleading. New volunteers must visit Jordan Youth Gym (bldg. 608 on W. 6th St.) to fill out a volunteer form and submit to a background check.
LCRD soccer
Registration for youth soccer at the Liberty County Recreation Department will be Aug. 1-22. This program is for ages 4-17, as of Aug. 1. The fee is $18 per child. Games will be played on weekday evenings at James A. Brown Park, starting in late September. Volunteer coaches are needed for all teams. Additional information and online registration is available at www.lcrd.net or you may call the LCRD Office at 876-5359.