St. James Sports
Center summer day camp
Registration for the St. James summer day camp will run until the end of May. School age children, 5-13, are eligible. Registration fees are $50 per week and include breakfast and lunch. The children will have plenty to do with arts and crafts, board games, movies, bowling and planned field trips to Summer Waves and Chuck E. Cheese among some of the activities. Camp runs from 7:15 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. For more information call 884-3016 or 980-4559. Registration hours are Monday-Friday 2-7 p.m.
HABR golf
The annual Hinesville Area Board of Realtors’ Golf Tournament benefiting the American Cancer Society has been rescheduled for Saturday, June 7, at the Cherokee Rose Golf Course. There will be a Harley Davidson motorcycle prize for a hole in one. For more information, call Edith Dawson at 977-4491 or email or Edward Milan at 610-1158 or email at
Ten Star All Star
Basketball Camp
The Ten Star All Star Basketball Camp is accepting applications for the summer basketball camp. Boys and girls age 10-19 are eligible to apply. The camp will be held in Gainesville, Ga., July 27-31 at Brenau University. For more information, call (704) 373-0873 or visit
LCRD summer
Registration is under way for Liberty County Recreation Department 2008 Summer Programs, including day camp, swim lessons, swim team, sports camps, tae kwon do, golf, tennis, track and field, and weight training. Registration will be accepted at the LCRD Office in Shuman Recreation Center at James Brown Park Monday-Friday, from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Registration will continue until all slots are filled on a first served basis. On-line registration is available at For more information, call 876-5359.
Summer One
Day Mega Slam
This years Summer Slam will be a special one-day, all-day event featuring a car, motorcycle and truck show, good food and a live concert. The event is scheduled to start around 10 a.m. on July 6 on Salter’s Field. Detail are being finalized. For more information call, Ernie Walthour at 980-4559.
Twilight Special
at golf course
The Cherokee Rose Golf Course offers a twilight special. Every Monday-Thursday after 3 p.m. you can play 18 holes at for $19 plus tax. The fee includes cart. For more information, call the course office at 876-5503.
USBC annual
open meeting
Marne Lanes will host the Fort Stewart USBC annual open meeting at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, May 18, at Club Stewart. For more information call (912) 369-9841.
YMCA announces
summer programs
Summer sports programs at the Liberty County YMCA include:
• Blast Ball for ages 3-6 registration is May 8-June 8, season begins June 21.
• Field Hockey for ages 6-14 registration is May 8-June 8, season begins June 21.
• Biggest Loser Fit Challenge 2 registration is open until June 2, competition starts June 9.
• Football Camp, June 2-6, ages 10-14, 8:30-10:30 a.m. register by May 28.
• Sports Camp, June 9-July 3, 9-11 a.m., register by June 2
For information on all programs, call Richard Somerville at 368-5287 at the Y.
Summer Classic
The Ladyballers Summer Classic is accepting registration now until June 20 from girl teams 11-16U. The roundup tournament is scheduled for June 27-29 in Augusta. Entry fees are $265 for one team or $250 for multiple team discounts. Games will follow AAU rules. Teams rosters must be complete and include AAU member number for each participant. For more information, call (706) 434-0169 or visit You can register online.
River Street
Summer Classic
Registrations are being accepted until May 18, for the 11U-17U River Street Summer Classic basketball tournament in Savannah June 13-15. Entry fees are $300 for the 12U, $375 for 13U-17U. Entries are only accepted with the full payment and team roster form. All participants must be AAU registered. For more information call Chris Stacy at (912) 695-0481. Registration is available online at
Robert Sapp
Baseball Camp
Is accepting applications for its summer session in Richmond Hill. The camp runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. from June 30-July 3 and is for boys ages 7-14. The fee is $100 but team rates are available. Information and brochures can be obtained by calling (912) 756-4626 or e-mailing us at Information is also available on the website at
AAU Classic
The AAU Classic, sponsored by the Coastal Crew Rebels 17U squad, is taking registrations for a 13U and 14U tournament being held Saturday and Sunday, June 6-7. Entry deadline is May 28. The entry fee is $150 per team. The tournament will be held at the Bradwell Institute gym and at St. James Sports Center. Rosters must be turned in to the host/tournament director prior to your first game. It’s a double elimination tournament with two 20-minute halves and 3 timeouts per half. For more information call tournament director Ernie Walthour at 980-4559 or email him at st_jamescenter@hotmail. com.
Center summer day camp
Registration for the St. James summer day camp will run until the end of May. School age children, 5-13, are eligible. Registration fees are $50 per week and include breakfast and lunch. The children will have plenty to do with arts and crafts, board games, movies, bowling and planned field trips to Summer Waves and Chuck E. Cheese among some of the activities. Camp runs from 7:15 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. For more information call 884-3016 or 980-4559. Registration hours are Monday-Friday 2-7 p.m.
HABR golf
The annual Hinesville Area Board of Realtors’ Golf Tournament benefiting the American Cancer Society has been rescheduled for Saturday, June 7, at the Cherokee Rose Golf Course. There will be a Harley Davidson motorcycle prize for a hole in one. For more information, call Edith Dawson at 977-4491 or email or Edward Milan at 610-1158 or email at
Ten Star All Star
Basketball Camp
The Ten Star All Star Basketball Camp is accepting applications for the summer basketball camp. Boys and girls age 10-19 are eligible to apply. The camp will be held in Gainesville, Ga., July 27-31 at Brenau University. For more information, call (704) 373-0873 or visit
LCRD summer
Registration is under way for Liberty County Recreation Department 2008 Summer Programs, including day camp, swim lessons, swim team, sports camps, tae kwon do, golf, tennis, track and field, and weight training. Registration will be accepted at the LCRD Office in Shuman Recreation Center at James Brown Park Monday-Friday, from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Registration will continue until all slots are filled on a first served basis. On-line registration is available at For more information, call 876-5359.
Summer One
Day Mega Slam
This years Summer Slam will be a special one-day, all-day event featuring a car, motorcycle and truck show, good food and a live concert. The event is scheduled to start around 10 a.m. on July 6 on Salter’s Field. Detail are being finalized. For more information call, Ernie Walthour at 980-4559.
Twilight Special
at golf course
The Cherokee Rose Golf Course offers a twilight special. Every Monday-Thursday after 3 p.m. you can play 18 holes at for $19 plus tax. The fee includes cart. For more information, call the course office at 876-5503.
USBC annual
open meeting
Marne Lanes will host the Fort Stewart USBC annual open meeting at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, May 18, at Club Stewart. For more information call (912) 369-9841.
YMCA announces
summer programs
Summer sports programs at the Liberty County YMCA include:
• Blast Ball for ages 3-6 registration is May 8-June 8, season begins June 21.
• Field Hockey for ages 6-14 registration is May 8-June 8, season begins June 21.
• Biggest Loser Fit Challenge 2 registration is open until June 2, competition starts June 9.
• Football Camp, June 2-6, ages 10-14, 8:30-10:30 a.m. register by May 28.
• Sports Camp, June 9-July 3, 9-11 a.m., register by June 2
For information on all programs, call Richard Somerville at 368-5287 at the Y.
Summer Classic
The Ladyballers Summer Classic is accepting registration now until June 20 from girl teams 11-16U. The roundup tournament is scheduled for June 27-29 in Augusta. Entry fees are $265 for one team or $250 for multiple team discounts. Games will follow AAU rules. Teams rosters must be complete and include AAU member number for each participant. For more information, call (706) 434-0169 or visit You can register online.
River Street
Summer Classic
Registrations are being accepted until May 18, for the 11U-17U River Street Summer Classic basketball tournament in Savannah June 13-15. Entry fees are $300 for the 12U, $375 for 13U-17U. Entries are only accepted with the full payment and team roster form. All participants must be AAU registered. For more information call Chris Stacy at (912) 695-0481. Registration is available online at
Robert Sapp
Baseball Camp
Is accepting applications for its summer session in Richmond Hill. The camp runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. from June 30-July 3 and is for boys ages 7-14. The fee is $100 but team rates are available. Information and brochures can be obtained by calling (912) 756-4626 or e-mailing us at Information is also available on the website at
AAU Classic
The AAU Classic, sponsored by the Coastal Crew Rebels 17U squad, is taking registrations for a 13U and 14U tournament being held Saturday and Sunday, June 6-7. Entry deadline is May 28. The entry fee is $150 per team. The tournament will be held at the Bradwell Institute gym and at St. James Sports Center. Rosters must be turned in to the host/tournament director prior to your first game. It’s a double elimination tournament with two 20-minute halves and 3 timeouts per half. For more information call tournament director Ernie Walthour at 980-4559 or email him at st_jamescenter@hotmail. com.