Lady Panther’s
Diamond Club
The Lady Panther’s Diamond Club, Liberty County High School girls fast pitch softball boosters, has postponed its Summer Slammer Fishing Tournament, which was to be Saturday at Sunbury Shrimp Docks. The fundraiser is to be scheduled, but the date has not been set yet. For more information, call Phillip McCallar at 271-1448 or 884-7626.
Fast pitch
softball lessons
Fast pitch softball pitching lessons for girls ages 9-14 are available at the Liberty County Recreation Department. Lessons may be scheduled after noon on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, for one hour. The cost is $25 per lesson. Call 876-5359 to schedule a lesson.
football conditioning
The LCHS Panther football conditioning training currently is under way. Weight training and conditioning will be Monday-Thursday from 6-8:30 p.m. All Panther football players are encouraged to attend. For more information call coach Kirk Warner at 271-5936.
CYS youth football and cheerleading
Registration for CYS youth football & cheerleading is underway through Aug. 18, or when slots are full. Football is open to CYS members age 7-12 (age as of Aug. 1). Members age 13 will be placed on a waiting list in the event there are enough players to form an 11-13 league.
Cheerleading is open to CYS members age 6-13 (age as of Dec. 31). Sports fees are waived for CYS members of parents currently deployed. Register at Ft. Stewart CYS, bldg. 443, Gulick Ave (next to Corkan Pool). The CYS office is open Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wed., 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. For more information call CYS at 767-2312 or Youth Sports office at 767-4371. Volunteers are needed to coach football teams & cheerleading squads. Anyone interested in coaching should call 767-4371/9270 for football and 767-2815 for cheerleading. New volunteers will be required to visit Jordan Youth Gym (bldg. 608 on W. 6th St.) to fill out a volunteer form and submit to a background check.
Twilight Special
at golf course
The Cherokee Rose Golf Course offers a twilight special. Every Monday-Thursday after 3 p.m. You can play 18 holes for $19 plus tax. The fee includes a cart. For more information, call the course office at 876-5503.
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary will be offering a course on Boating Skills and Seamanship. The class will cover boat handling, tides and currents, basic navigation, required equipment, and other topics. The classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays for eight nights beginning July 15. The classes will meet at the Department of Human Resources, 761 Wheaton Street in Savannah from 7-9 p.m. There is a $30 fee for course materials. For more information call Kent Shockey at 897-7656 or see
ADA hosts Gnats game
The American Diabetes Association will be hosting a free day with the Savannah Sand Gnats for all children and teens with diabetes on Sunday, July 13. The game against the Lexington Legends begins at 2 p.m. Tickets and goodie bags will be available starting at 1 p.m. Advanced registration for the free tickets is required by July 8. Upon registration, each child’s name will be entered for a chance to throw out the first pitch. To register for the Sand Gnats game, contact Pamela Olson at prolson@yahoo.
com or 912-355-6760.
YMCA Soccer and flag football
Soccer and flag football registration begins July 15 and continues until Aug. 15.
Practice for both sports begins the week of Sept. 6. Both sports are for ages 3-16 and eligibility is determined by your child’s age as of Aug. 1. For more information, call Richard Somerville at 912-368-5287.
Lady Panthers open tryouts
The Lady Panthers softball team will host open tryouts starting Friday Aug. 1 at 6 p.m. at the Lady Panthers softball field at LCHS. Potential players must bring a completed physical form with them.
Bradwell Football
discount cards
The Bradwell Tigers are selling community discount cards for $10 each. The cards are redeemable at many local restaurants and stores including Applebee's, Chili's, Goodys, Pro-Feet and more. For more information call 368-6123. If no one answers leave a message and someone from the athletics department will return your call. The cards are available now through Aug. 9.
Diamond Club
The Lady Panther’s Diamond Club, Liberty County High School girls fast pitch softball boosters, has postponed its Summer Slammer Fishing Tournament, which was to be Saturday at Sunbury Shrimp Docks. The fundraiser is to be scheduled, but the date has not been set yet. For more information, call Phillip McCallar at 271-1448 or 884-7626.
Fast pitch
softball lessons
Fast pitch softball pitching lessons for girls ages 9-14 are available at the Liberty County Recreation Department. Lessons may be scheduled after noon on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, for one hour. The cost is $25 per lesson. Call 876-5359 to schedule a lesson.
football conditioning
The LCHS Panther football conditioning training currently is under way. Weight training and conditioning will be Monday-Thursday from 6-8:30 p.m. All Panther football players are encouraged to attend. For more information call coach Kirk Warner at 271-5936.
CYS youth football and cheerleading
Registration for CYS youth football & cheerleading is underway through Aug. 18, or when slots are full. Football is open to CYS members age 7-12 (age as of Aug. 1). Members age 13 will be placed on a waiting list in the event there are enough players to form an 11-13 league.
Cheerleading is open to CYS members age 6-13 (age as of Dec. 31). Sports fees are waived for CYS members of parents currently deployed. Register at Ft. Stewart CYS, bldg. 443, Gulick Ave (next to Corkan Pool). The CYS office is open Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wed., 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. For more information call CYS at 767-2312 or Youth Sports office at 767-4371. Volunteers are needed to coach football teams & cheerleading squads. Anyone interested in coaching should call 767-4371/9270 for football and 767-2815 for cheerleading. New volunteers will be required to visit Jordan Youth Gym (bldg. 608 on W. 6th St.) to fill out a volunteer form and submit to a background check.
Twilight Special
at golf course
The Cherokee Rose Golf Course offers a twilight special. Every Monday-Thursday after 3 p.m. You can play 18 holes for $19 plus tax. The fee includes a cart. For more information, call the course office at 876-5503.
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary will be offering a course on Boating Skills and Seamanship. The class will cover boat handling, tides and currents, basic navigation, required equipment, and other topics. The classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays for eight nights beginning July 15. The classes will meet at the Department of Human Resources, 761 Wheaton Street in Savannah from 7-9 p.m. There is a $30 fee for course materials. For more information call Kent Shockey at 897-7656 or see
ADA hosts Gnats game
The American Diabetes Association will be hosting a free day with the Savannah Sand Gnats for all children and teens with diabetes on Sunday, July 13. The game against the Lexington Legends begins at 2 p.m. Tickets and goodie bags will be available starting at 1 p.m. Advanced registration for the free tickets is required by July 8. Upon registration, each child’s name will be entered for a chance to throw out the first pitch. To register for the Sand Gnats game, contact Pamela Olson at prolson@yahoo.
com or 912-355-6760.
YMCA Soccer and flag football
Soccer and flag football registration begins July 15 and continues until Aug. 15.
Practice for both sports begins the week of Sept. 6. Both sports are for ages 3-16 and eligibility is determined by your child’s age as of Aug. 1. For more information, call Richard Somerville at 912-368-5287.
Lady Panthers open tryouts
The Lady Panthers softball team will host open tryouts starting Friday Aug. 1 at 6 p.m. at the Lady Panthers softball field at LCHS. Potential players must bring a completed physical form with them.
Bradwell Football
discount cards
The Bradwell Tigers are selling community discount cards for $10 each. The cards are redeemable at many local restaurants and stores including Applebee's, Chili's, Goodys, Pro-Feet and more. For more information call 368-6123. If no one answers leave a message and someone from the athletics department will return your call. The cards are available now through Aug. 9.