• Classification
  • Classified Details
  • Package Options
  • Give Us Your Ad
  • Payment



Choose your category by selecting one of the icons. You will then select a subcategory.

Please choose a parent classification for your ad before continuing. LEGAL ADS cannot be placed through this portal. For legal ad information and pricing, email us at legals@coastalcourier.com.

All Ads placed through the Marketplace are Non Refundable.

DEADLINES vary based on publication for more information or help placing an ad please call us at 912-876-0156.

Classified Details

Classified Details

Options selected here will appear only in the online version of your advertisement, but more details will allow others to find it when they search by keyword.

Package Options

Package Options

Choose from one of the available print and/or online options for your ad.

Want your ad to be seen by more people? Choose one of these optional online enhancements.

Please select a package above to view available features.

Print Format

Choose from one of the available publication styles that may include enhanced text, photos and borders. These appear only in the print version of your advertisement.

Give Us Your Ad

Give Us Your Ad

Give your ad a title, detailed description based on the available word count for your package, and tell us which day it should begin to appear in the print edition.

Add Your Pictures

Drag one or more images (all at the same time) onto the field below to appear with your ad. Click on the ? icon for additional information.

Images are not available with this print format. Please consider another print format to include images or remove these images.

Print Images Remaining: Total Images Remaining:

Drop files here or click to upload.



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