Don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead one hour Saturday night. Daylight Savings Time starts at 2 a.m. Sunday.
Starting this year, the change is being observed from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November, adding a month to daylight saving time.
DST is the practice of advancing clocks forward by one hour in the spring to gain additional daylight during the early evening. In the fall, clocks are again turned back an hour.
On Aug. 8, 2005, Pres. George W. Bush signed the Energy Policy Act of 2005. This Act changed the time change dates for Daylight Saving Time in the U.S.
For the U.S. and its territories, Daylight Saving Time is NOT observed in Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Arizona.
The Navajo Nation participates in the Daylight Saving Time policy, even in Arizona, due to its large size and location in three states.
Also at this time of year, fire departments encourage people to change the battery in the smoke detector when they change their clocks because it provides for a convenient reminder.
More than 90 percent of homes in the United States have smoke detectors, but one-third are estimated to have dead or missing batteries.
Starting this year, the change is being observed from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November, adding a month to daylight saving time.
DST is the practice of advancing clocks forward by one hour in the spring to gain additional daylight during the early evening. In the fall, clocks are again turned back an hour.
On Aug. 8, 2005, Pres. George W. Bush signed the Energy Policy Act of 2005. This Act changed the time change dates for Daylight Saving Time in the U.S.
For the U.S. and its territories, Daylight Saving Time is NOT observed in Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Arizona.
The Navajo Nation participates in the Daylight Saving Time policy, even in Arizona, due to its large size and location in three states.
Also at this time of year, fire departments encourage people to change the battery in the smoke detector when they change their clocks because it provides for a convenient reminder.
More than 90 percent of homes in the United States have smoke detectors, but one-third are estimated to have dead or missing batteries.