Today, we prepare to come to the end of yet another year — a year filled with many tragedies and blessings.
Most of us have experienced some things this year we have never experienced before. Some were good and some were not so good, but in spite of all that we may have encountered, God was still in control.
We saw the death of many spiritual leaders, such as Bishop G. E. Patterson, leader of the Church of God in Christ denomination; the Rev. Jerry Falwell, Chancellor of Liberty Christian University; Dr. James Kennedy, pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church; and Ruth Graham (wife of the Rev. Billy Graham); Yolanda King (daughter of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.), Tammy Faye Bakker Messner; and many other world and national figures.
Locally, we had spiritual, political, civic and educational leaders who died.
During 2007, countries throughout the world continued to experience many natural disasters. Wildfires raged in Georgia and others states, tornadoes, mudslides, unusual high winds, extreme cold and heat, were all the order of the day.
Many young boys and girls lost their lives in the war. Across America, there were senseless killings that claimed the lives of many innocent people. Despite the many catastrophes, God saw fit to allow us to still be alive during the last days of 2007.
In Deuteronomy, chapter 34, verses 5-7 and 2 Timothy, chapter 4, verses 6-8, we find both Moses and Paul preparing to die. This is the same Moses, whom God had taken from being a murderer and a shepherd and turned into a great leader. God had chosen him to lead the children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt. Because of the people’s disobedience and sin, God let them wander in the wilderness for 40 years when they should have been enjoying life in the Promised Land.
We find in Deuteronomy, chapter 34 that Moses knew he would not reach the Promised Land because of his own disobedience, but God had not forsaken him. God let him look over into the Promised Land. God had given him a long life of 120 years; his body was still in good physical condition; his eyesight was not dimmed. Moses had fulfilled his assignment, and he was ready to depart. At the end of the day, when Moses died, God buried him.
At the end of the day, will you be ready to be offered up like Paul. Paul, the zealous persecutor of the Christians had his life turned around on the Damascus Road. One moment, he was persecuting the Christians; the next moment he was on fire for God. Paul did what God asked him to do. Just as he was zealous when he was persecuting Christians and a part of the Sanhedrin Council, he was just as zealous for Jesus. He endured many hardships and afflictions simply because of his love for God. At the end of his journey, he found himself in a dungeon awaiting execution. But he had no regrets — he was not fearful.
As we come to the waning days of 2007, are you ready for your end of the day. If Jesus were to return today, are you ready to go back with him. You are the only one who can answer that question. You know if you are ready. There is a popular gospel song that says, “I Pray We Will All Be Ready.”
When you reach the end of your day, as Moses and Paul did, can you say God will be pleased with your life here on Earth. Will you be able to look back and say, “I tried to do what God wanted me to do? I was born a sinner — a wretch undone, but one day, I gave my life to Christ because I realized I needed him.” Or will you be like the foolish rich man in Luke 12? He was so busy building and wanting more, he did not have time for Jesus. His soul was lost because Jesus came at a time he least expected; he missed eternal life with Jesus. Are things keeping you from giving your life to Christ? Whatever you do, don’t let it be said “too late.”
At the end of your day, where will you spend eternity? The word says, “wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadest to destruction. It also says, “strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leadest unto life, and a few there be that find it” (Matthew 7:13-14). Don’t let the end of the day catch you unprepared, and not ready to go back with Jesus.
May you have a happy and blessed New Year.
Most of us have experienced some things this year we have never experienced before. Some were good and some were not so good, but in spite of all that we may have encountered, God was still in control.
We saw the death of many spiritual leaders, such as Bishop G. E. Patterson, leader of the Church of God in Christ denomination; the Rev. Jerry Falwell, Chancellor of Liberty Christian University; Dr. James Kennedy, pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church; and Ruth Graham (wife of the Rev. Billy Graham); Yolanda King (daughter of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.), Tammy Faye Bakker Messner; and many other world and national figures.
Locally, we had spiritual, political, civic and educational leaders who died.
During 2007, countries throughout the world continued to experience many natural disasters. Wildfires raged in Georgia and others states, tornadoes, mudslides, unusual high winds, extreme cold and heat, were all the order of the day.
Many young boys and girls lost their lives in the war. Across America, there were senseless killings that claimed the lives of many innocent people. Despite the many catastrophes, God saw fit to allow us to still be alive during the last days of 2007.
In Deuteronomy, chapter 34, verses 5-7 and 2 Timothy, chapter 4, verses 6-8, we find both Moses and Paul preparing to die. This is the same Moses, whom God had taken from being a murderer and a shepherd and turned into a great leader. God had chosen him to lead the children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt. Because of the people’s disobedience and sin, God let them wander in the wilderness for 40 years when they should have been enjoying life in the Promised Land.
We find in Deuteronomy, chapter 34 that Moses knew he would not reach the Promised Land because of his own disobedience, but God had not forsaken him. God let him look over into the Promised Land. God had given him a long life of 120 years; his body was still in good physical condition; his eyesight was not dimmed. Moses had fulfilled his assignment, and he was ready to depart. At the end of the day, when Moses died, God buried him.
At the end of the day, will you be ready to be offered up like Paul. Paul, the zealous persecutor of the Christians had his life turned around on the Damascus Road. One moment, he was persecuting the Christians; the next moment he was on fire for God. Paul did what God asked him to do. Just as he was zealous when he was persecuting Christians and a part of the Sanhedrin Council, he was just as zealous for Jesus. He endured many hardships and afflictions simply because of his love for God. At the end of his journey, he found himself in a dungeon awaiting execution. But he had no regrets — he was not fearful.
As we come to the waning days of 2007, are you ready for your end of the day. If Jesus were to return today, are you ready to go back with him. You are the only one who can answer that question. You know if you are ready. There is a popular gospel song that says, “I Pray We Will All Be Ready.”
When you reach the end of your day, as Moses and Paul did, can you say God will be pleased with your life here on Earth. Will you be able to look back and say, “I tried to do what God wanted me to do? I was born a sinner — a wretch undone, but one day, I gave my life to Christ because I realized I needed him.” Or will you be like the foolish rich man in Luke 12? He was so busy building and wanting more, he did not have time for Jesus. His soul was lost because Jesus came at a time he least expected; he missed eternal life with Jesus. Are things keeping you from giving your life to Christ? Whatever you do, don’t let it be said “too late.”
At the end of your day, where will you spend eternity? The word says, “wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadest to destruction. It also says, “strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leadest unto life, and a few there be that find it” (Matthew 7:13-14). Don’t let the end of the day catch you unprepared, and not ready to go back with Jesus.
May you have a happy and blessed New Year.