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Dont complain praise God instead
pastor corner

Anyone who knows me knows that I hate cold weather.
I had told the Lord that since he heard me complain so much in the winter, then I would never complain in the summer no matter how high the temperature rose. For years now, I have kept that promise. This recent arctic blast really caused me to get frustrated and complain on a regular basis — at least to myself. 
The other day, during one of these times, I felt convicted about it. 
There are several reasons why I shouldn’t complain. First of all, God has always been good to me over the years; he has been faithful. 
Second, there always are others who have it a lot worse; just look at Boston. Third, when I am complaining, I definitely am not praising. 
Because of everything the Lord has done for me, who am I to complain about anything? When we complain, who are we really complaining to? Probably, at least indirectly, to a God who is in control. 
I know it’s hard for us to understand sometimes, but the Scripture says that “all things work together for the good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose.” I do know this: When it is cold for several days, followed by warm temperatures, it’s then that I appreciate them even more. 
So the next time you are tempted to complain about anything, try praising God instead. It shouldn’t take you long to find a reason.

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