We just got back from vacation to Mexico Beach, Florida, for a week.
We slept late most days, ate seafood every chance we got, played in the Gulf waters and mainly rested up for the days to come. I played golf a couple of times, but we were careful not to have an agenda. We went to no theme parks and tried hard not to follow a schedule for the week.
Do you have any idea how hard that was for me? I like to follow schedules and be ordered and organized. I’m not as bad as my mom was. Her deep freezer was organized in alphabetical order, meats on the left and vegetables on the right. Up to the week she died, she was telling us where to find things in her home. I’m not that good.
But I like to know what is happening, when it is happening and what I am supposed to do next. Vacation is a time when I try my best to let go of that. I try to rest, relax and allow God to recharge my spirit.
The Bible says, “Be still, and know that I am God.” The phrase “be still” could be translated as “Cease striving.” Those are words I need to hear. I am so prone to strive and drive myself to the point that I am no longer listening to God. After all, if you are in charge and know all of the answers, why bother God with it?
Have I told you too much about myself there? Do you wonder how I ever got to be a pastor in the first place, given my desire to be in control? Well, it’s a common malady, even amongst Christians: We don’t want to be surprised. We want to control things to the best of our abilities.
And God reminds us constantly that we are not to do that. We are to cease striving and know that he remains in charge of life in every respect. And we are to trust him. Some use the phrase, “Let go and let God.” Pretty good advice for someone who sometimes holds on too tightly.
Is there something you need to let go so that God can work in your life? I’m not saying it will be easy, but you can do it. God is faithful and will never fail you. Trust him and allow him to lead. You’ll be glad you did.
Have faith to let go, let God lead
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