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Jesus can give us newness of life
pastor corner

Because Jesus died for us and then rose from the grave, we also can rise up in two ways. First, we can have new and different life, but also, after we die, we can go to a new and exciting place (heaven). The Easter holy day has passed, but the effect of the actual event lives on through those who have chosen to follow Jesus.
I was reminded of this the other day as I walked out of the front doors of the church where I pastor. I looked down at a planter full of flowers and noticed one particular plant was shriveled up, so I quickly watered it. It looked so bad that I didn’t really expect it to recover. Rather, I was thinking it was a lost cause.
But when I came into the office the next morning, to my surprise the plant had made a complete recovery.
This resembles many a life touched by Jesus Christ. Many may think there is little or no hope of real change for them, while some look at others and feel the same way. The truth is that hopeless relationships are mended because of this transformation. Those with addictions are set free and criminals become productive citizens.
The fact is that everyone without Christ has some kind of ugliness on the inside that needs to be healed. It’s also a fact that Jesus Christ can make every life beautiful.

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