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Learning to grow trust in God
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As I do almost every year, I have planted a vegetable garden. There are tomato, pepper, cucumber, squash, okra, cabbage, broccoli and lettuce plants growing even now.
So far this spring, the weather has been wonderful with proper amounts of rain and sun. We already have harvested lettuce and soon will be eating broccoli.  
I plant my garden for a number of reasons. There certainly is the convenience of being able to step out into your backyard and bring in something good to eat. There also is the fact that homegrown just seems to taste better.
But I have to admit there is at least one more reason that I do this every year: I enjoy watching things grow. There is something satisfying about putting a seed or a small plant in the ground and watering, weeding, fertilizing it and doing whatever else needs to be done to help it thrive.
I also admit that I am truly fascinated by the entire process. How does a seed become a plant? How does a plant produce buds and blooms, and how do those blooms become vegetables?
Oh, I understand the science behind it all; I did not skip that class. But I still see a hint of the miraculous in the process.
I know some might deem me a bit simplistic. But I watch as the plant grows and produces its fruit, and I am amazed. I truly believe that God’s hand is evident in every aspect of gardening.  
I also believe God wants to do in our lives what he does in the plant world. He wants to prune us and weed us and help us to grow and produce the fruit we were made to produce. He wants us to be who he made us to be.  
Sometimes, I fight hard against God’s work in my life.  I want to go my own way. I want to do my own thing. And yet, God continues to use his word and his people to draw me back to him. He uses different means to capture my attention. He loves me enough to refuse to allow me to go my own way. He will not allow me to remain unchanged.  
I need to remember that God always wants what is best for me.  Even if I do not see it at first, his way is always best … for me and for you.  
Will you trust God enough to allow him to do in you what he wishes?  His plans are in your best interest.

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