Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church will present a gospel concert featuring “Mark and Friends” at 4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 12, at the Main Campus Sanctuary at 12965 Highway 144.
The concert will be followed by a barbecue dinner with a Brunswick stew cook-off.
Mark Cartwright, a professional songwriter, musician, and record producer, is a 2013 inductee into the Atlanta Country Music/Georgia Country Music Hall of Fame. He performs many types of music, with his favorite being Southern gospel. Cartwright also is an evangelist who travels extensively. He is founder of Country Hoss Publishing Co. and MRA Records, a 64-track digital recording studio in Midway.
Cartwright hosts a weekly worldwide broadcast of “A Walk in Garden” at
Cartwright and his wife, Scarlett, will host fellow musicians Glenn Watkins, Annette Wilson, Willie Carver — a new inductee in the Hall of Fame — and James and Mary Bedingfield.
A donation at the door of $10, $5 for children, for concert and dinner is requested. Proceeds from this event will benefit Family Promise of Bryan County and the Deacons Fund of RHPC. Family Promise of Bryan County is part of a national program to help homeless families achieve sustainable independence by providing safe places to sleep, meals and supportive services, including assistance in obtaining affordable housing and employment.
All are welcome to attend. For more information, call 727-3219.
Midway musician's concert at RH church

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