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One man can make a difference
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Key Scripture: Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. (Prov 29:18 KJV)  
This is the weekend we celebrate the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The things that he accomplished in his short lifetime were remarkable. The most notable aspect of his achievements was his ability to cast vision.  He was a gifted motivator who encouraged others to speak out against racial injustices and to stand up for racial equalities.
One man really can make a difference. God is always looking for visionaries, men or women who have enough courage to be a point-person for change. Dr. King was like Joseph in scripture, he was not just a dreamer he was a visionary. He knew that his dreams came from God, and he recognized that those dreams were a revelation of things to come.
Like Joseph and Dr. King, many of us are dreamers. But we lack the tenacity to hold to our dream. Even to the point of being thrown into a pit and sold into slavery. It takes unwavering conviction to go to prison or to be persecuted because of a dream. To believe so strongly in almost anything is virtually unheard of in modern Christianity. Most of us think that leadership is granted by popular opinion rather than God-given appointment. Actually, the charge to lead as well as the ability to lead is God- granted to visionaries.
Vision is the knowledge of God about the matters of life - it's from God and for God. Vision reveals His will. Here is another version of our key scripture for today:
Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law . (Prov 29:18 NIV)
Making a difference is costly and that's why we don't have many world-changers. The Bible says that with righteousness God will judge the needy, and with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the Earth. God is concerned about us, and He will never put more on us that we can bear. He will always raise-up a deliverer like Moses, or a dreamer like Joseph to evoke change. Can God trust you to be a change agent?
I was born in the South and raised in the era when being a black female was probably the lowest place on the totem pole of society. I am forever grateful to Dr. King's contribution to civil rights in America, without his courage to be a change-agent my life would be very different. I believe that I can make a difference and have an impact the next generation.  It may not be easy, but it's worth it.       

Deason is pastor of Liberty Prayer Chapel and director of The Liberty County Manna House
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