You are the sum total of every decision you have ever made — good, bad or indifferent. Neither God nor the devil can be blamed for where you are in life. You are where you are and have what you have because of your decisions.
This does not mean that God hasn’t allowed you to face some challenges or has not rewarded your faithfulness. Neither does this mean the devil hasn’t tried to sabotage the plans of God for you.
But when everything is said and done, it still boils down to your decisions. You have to decide that you believe God and trust His word in spite of your current circumstances. You must decide to take the lemons of life and make lemonade rather than drink the bitterness of your tear-stained face.
Mary and Joseph had made plans and had hopes for a family. Then the angel shows up with an announcement from God. Instantly, their life was thrown into a whirlwind. Joseph was placed into the most embarrassing situation of his life. He had to make a choice.
He could have accused Mary of unfaithfulness. He could have demanded not only an explanation, he could have demanded her life.
He could accept the child as his own, but to do so would be to live not only the moment in shame, but also a lifetime in disgrace. He could choose Mary and divorce her privately; then she and the baby would be spared. That would have been a good plan.
However, the angel told him to marry Mary and stay with her, for that was the plan of God.
Joseph had to make a decision of destiny. Decisions of destiny aren’t easy; they require faith and obedience to God’s word.
So maybe you are at a crossroads, or you recently heard the voice of God leading you to make a life-changing decision. You are not alone. God still is speaking. Follow Joseph’s example and accept the will of God for your life. He has a way of turning disappointment, shame and pain into immense pleasure. But you have to make the decision to accept His plan and align yourself with the will of God.
Destiny should be a matter of choice and not left to chance.
Brown is the pastor of Destiny Christian Center and a member of the United Ministerial Alliance.
Our decisions determine destiny
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