We have received some much-needed rain in the last week or so. Some of us wonder if we are receiving more than we need, but we also know that drought conditions have been very real in recent months. I will not complain about the rain.
At the same time, we had an event planned last weekend at our church. Much of the event was to be held outdoors, but it was a challenge Saturday — and that is an understatement.
Two things about that day stood out to me. One was the resourcefulness of the people in our church. They did a remarkable job in preparation. We put up pop-up tents in all kinds of places and laid indoor/outdoor carpet to cover mud, and we trudged forward. It really was a wonderful example of God’s people working together for his glory, and I could not have been more proud on that day to be their pastor.
But there was one other thing that struck me on that day, and I used this thought to encourage our church to do what we had to do. When we planned our event last summer, God already knew that it was going to rain Saturday.
There is nothing that takes God by surprise.
Now let me make this clear: I do not understand all of the implications to saying that God is sovereign. It is beyond my comprehension to realize that God knows everything that is going to happen in the future, and yet that we are responsible for our behavior. I will not attempt to resolve that theological dilemma in one brief column.
But I do know this for sure: God’s sovereignty is a great comfort and encouragement to me when things do not go as I expect or desire.
I can trust that he will work all things together for my good, and more importantly, he will work all things together for the good of his creation.
The bottom line is this: God can be trusted. He knows what is best.
Early in the morning last Saturday, I was not optimistic about what was going to happen. But then I saw our people giving their best efforts to serve the Lord.
And we watched God do something even more remarkable to change the lives of people in our community.
Once again, I was amazed by God’s grace and power.
I want to encourage you to trust in the Lord. Trust him when circumstances look bad. Trust him when you are not in control. Trust him in every situation.
He will not fail you nor will he forsake you. You can trust him.
The Lord can be trusted with out lives
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