One of the reasons I like spring so well is that there are flowers blooming everywhere, and some not only look pretty but smell good, too.
There are some comparisons to Christianity here that I would like to point out.
In 2 Corinthians 2, Paul tells us that we, as Christians, have the privilege of making the gospel of Jesus Christ appealing to others. He says “we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.”
First, I want to point out that some only take notice of a tree or plant when it’s blooming or when they smell the aroma from its flowers. The same is true of our lives. People take notice of our faith when they see something good in it. The question is, what are others seeing in your life?
Secondly, even though the gospel always puts off a sweet smell, we are not always good representatives of it. May the Lord help us to realize that others always are watching us, desiring to experience something genuine. Also, many others who are not followers of Christ realize that just because a professed follower of Christ isn’t the perfect example, it doesn’t mean that Christianity is not real.
Lastly, everyone who is confronted by the gospel of Jesus Christ responds differently to it. Some will be drawn to it, while others will be appalled. Just because a flower is pretty and good-smelling doesn’t mean that everyone who comes in contact with it will appreciate. A Christian can live an exemplary life, but some still will find fault.
The truth of the matter is that Christ followers are who God has chosen to be his witnesses. We are his hands, feet and arms — and if we fail, others won’t be able to experience the real God.
Using the attractions of Christianity
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