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Goldenheirs hear of downtown revitalization
goldenheirs aug
Goldenheirs program chairman George Laseter stands with Hinesville Downtown Development Authority Director Vicki Davis, center, and her assistant, Jessica Sanchez. - photo by Photo provided.
The Goldenheirs learned about the Hinesville Downtown Development Authority and its plans during their Aug. 4 meeting.
Nancy Shapland led the devotion, President John Stetzer offered comments and a covered-dish lunch was served.
Program Chairman George Laseter introduced Vicki Davis, HDDA
director, and her assistant, Jessica Sanchez. Davis presented a slideshow featuring some of Hinesville’s re-
cent developments, including the Memorial Drive remodeling and its traffic circle.
Davis has been a city employee for five and a half years and is the authority’s first full-time employee. She is in charge of revitalizing and beautifying the downtown area from Gen. Stewart to Highway 84 to Gen. Screven.
Sanchez presented gift bags to each person at the conclusion of the program.
Goldenheirs is a senior group that meets at noon
the first Tuesday of each month in the social hall of First Baptist Church of Hinesville for a covered-dish lunch and program. The next meeting will be Sept. 1 and will feature a representative from Keep Liberty Beautiful.
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