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Woman lost 154 pounds by removing these 4 foods from her diet
A story that could change your life forever - photo by Adriana Acosta Bujan
Selfies are widely popular, and if youre reading this, youve probably taken a selfie once or twice in your life. With all the different editing apps and filters available, we can easily alter our selfies to look exactly how we want them before we show them to the world.

Unfortunately, you can retouch your photos all you want but you cant hide reality. This was the case for Casey Gemmell from Perth, Australia. One simple selfie motivated her to make major changes in her life.

It all started when she rented a Batgirl costume for her sons super hero birthday party. It was a little small, but she wore it with confidence. She felt great until the photos were posted on Facebook.

Mixed feelings

When she saw the pictures, she thought, Thats not me, what a terrible angle. As more pictures were posted she kept waiting for a better angle -- but it never happened.

After feeling sad and depressed for a little while, she decided to make a change in her life and work on her weight. Gemmel modified four habits, leading her to lose 154 pounds. If you're trying to lose weight, try out these four habits as well:

1. Get rid of four foods

  • Cheese is a product obtained from cows milk, so it contains concentrated nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamins, fats and proteins. Excessive consumption, however, makes it hard for the body to digest and leads to weight gain.

  • Bread contains 50 to 60 carbohydrates. Carbs have a lot of sugar, and when you put butter, jam, honey, peanut butter and other things on bread, it can get fattening fast.

  • Pasta is made with flour and has tons of carbohydrates. Excessive consumption makes it hard for the body to digest, causing fat to build up.

  • Soda is loaded with sugar and artificial flavors, so take it out of your diet if you want to lose weight. New studies have found that diet soft drinks also contribute to weight gain even though they dont have any calories.

2. Exercise

Exercise is a key part of losing weight whether you like it or not. Gemmell suggests downloading apps to get you motivated. She downloaded the 5K Runner app, and she was running five kilometers straight (a little over three miles) before she knew it.

After four months of running, she signed up for a gym membership and started training and strengthening her muscles with resistance training.

3. Support

Her husband was by her side throughout the whole journey. He goes running with her everyday. He gives advice and motivates her to exercise and continue with her diet. Having a good support system is SUPER important.

4. Patience

Just like Gemmell, we sometimes want to throw in the towel and forget about our end goals. Losing weight is hard but worth it. She learned that it wont happen overnight, but when bad habits change one by one, the weight will come off eventually.

Losing weight is achievable when the person is completely determined, modifies bad eating habits, exercises and drinks lots of water. Remember -- dont invent a diet or do anything unhealthy. A specialist will provide you with whats best for your body based on your age, weight and physical activity.
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From the book 'Outliers' comes proof that good health is more than just genetics
Friends Jim Young, left, Mike Natale, Jeff Natale and Ryan Kiernan were on Greenwich High School football team together and Jim and Mike were captains. Jim, who was the youngest in Sherry Young's family, was welcome in the homes of the other three boys who still had siblings around and grandparents near. - photo by Sherry Young
As I look back on my life and the lives of others, both personally and in the reading I have done, I am convinced of the necessity of positive human contact in our lives. We are doubly blessed when we are able to make good friends or are a part of a family where we are accepted and loved.

Malcolm Gladwell in his book Outliers tells of a time in the 1950s when Dr. Stewart Wolf met a physician who practiced in the area of Roseto, Pennsylvania. Roseto was settled by a group of Italian families from Roseto, Italy, who re-created their life again in America.

This was in the 1950s before drugs and measures to prevent heart disease became important. In their conversation the physician said, You know, Ive been practicing for 17 years. I get patients from all over, and I rarely find anyone from Roseto under the age of 65 with heart disease.

Wolf was surprised by these words as, It was impossible to be a doctor, common sense said, and not see heart disease.

Wolf enlisted the aid of a sociologist and friend John Bruhn to help him. They found, There was no suicide, no alcoholism, no drug addiction, and very little crime. They didnt have anyone on welfare. Then we looked at peptic ulcers. They didnt have any of those either. These people were dying of old age. Thats it.

They checked into diet, genetics and possibilities of something in the foothills of eastern Pennsylvania but nothing made sense.

What they found was that Rosetans visited one another, stopping to chat in Italian on the street, say, or cooking for one another in their backyards. (Researchers) learned about the extended family clans that underlay the towns social structure. They saw how many homes had three generations living under one roof and how much respect grandparents commanded. They went to Mass at Our Lady of Mount Carmel and saw the unifying and calming effect of the church. They counted 22 separate civic organizations in a town of just under 2,000 people. They picked up on the particular egalitarian ethos of the community, which discouraged the wealthy from flaunting their success and helped the unsuccessful obscure their failures.

What they found eventually convinced the medical establishment to look beyond the individual and understand the culture people are part of their friends, families and town they came from. They determined that the people we surround ourselves with and the values of the world we inhabit have a profound effect on who we are.

Likely, this study could have been done with other ethnicities. However, my family's experiences with the Italian families in Connecticut ring true to the study. Our hungry and growing sons, especially our youngest son, Jim, who was left home alone with two beady-eyed parents, all had some memorable experiences being fed and loved in the Cos Cob multigenerational families. Proof of the African proverb, It takes a village to raise a child.

We live in an age when the contact we have with people often is on the internet, and many of us live among strangers. Unless we make the effort to reach out, we will become isolated, especially as we age. The Rosetan study is proof that reaching out and communicating may be good for our health.
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