A few women at First Baptist Church are using their sewing talents to help others. They have formed a group, comprised of exerpeinced and beginner seamstresses, and they meet from 10 a.m.-noon every Wednesday in the Phillips Building.
Marta Pukinskas and Joyce Lasiter teach new members how to use a sewing machine.
In May, the group set out to make 100 dresses for girls, sizes 1-6, and send them to Mary Beth Turberville in Alabama for her “Children Hemmed in Prayer” program. Turberville distributes the dresses to mission groups around the world who take the garments to orphanages or foster homes.
Many women who couldn’t make the Wednesday meetings helped out by sewing dresses at home.
The sewing group surpassed its goal and finished 150 dresses. The women have begun a new project, making head coverings for people who have lost their hair due to illness. The coverings will be distributed to hospice groups in the area.
For more information or to join the sewing group, call Pukinskas at 877-4723 or Lasiter at 369-8692. All women are welcome.
Marta Pukinskas and Joyce Lasiter teach new members how to use a sewing machine.
In May, the group set out to make 100 dresses for girls, sizes 1-6, and send them to Mary Beth Turberville in Alabama for her “Children Hemmed in Prayer” program. Turberville distributes the dresses to mission groups around the world who take the garments to orphanages or foster homes.
Many women who couldn’t make the Wednesday meetings helped out by sewing dresses at home.
The sewing group surpassed its goal and finished 150 dresses. The women have begun a new project, making head coverings for people who have lost their hair due to illness. The coverings will be distributed to hospice groups in the area.
For more information or to join the sewing group, call Pukinskas at 877-4723 or Lasiter at 369-8692. All women are welcome.