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I read in the paper where they say who’s wanting honey. They have pure honey at R&J’s produce on 196. It’s right next to Duck Pawn Shop and right in front of Coldwell Banker.
Courier, in the Living Well sheet that has a fresh local produce — you cannot read the green, Hollie. Old people that’s in their 70s. Quit putting it in green — the color’s OK on the vegetables, but the green writing? You just can’t read it in green and white. Put it in black and white. Thank you.
I just had the worst experience at the post office. There’s a line out the door with two men working there. One decides to close his drawer and balance his drawer, leaving only one clerk open. No wonder you people are going bankrupt — you deserve it!
Yes, I do not trust the FDA. They have allowed several drugs on the market that have killed people and caused heart attacks. Also, aspartame is in the Cokes and all the drinks and sugary stuff that kids are not supposed to eat, and many people have problems with products with aspartame. Also, it is being investigated for causing obesity. We shouldn’t have artificial stuff put in milk — we should get the artificial stuff out of our foods now.