There’s a very strong need for a facility where rescue dogs, foster families that take care of rescue dogs ‘til they’re adopted. Why is there not a facility during severe weather that the elderly, the rescues can take their animals and know they’re protected? It’s missing here.
I’m looking forward to renewing my drivers’ license with the new requirements for birth certificates, social security card and two documents. My wife is Japanese and her birth certificate and family register are both certified, and they’re both in Japanese. Oh, I’d just love to see the look on their face.
City inspectors need to ride the streets and write citations for automobiles in backyards and rundown houses with pools in backyards, adding to the mosquito populations. They can start on Franklin Street and go down any of the other streets in town. Something needs to be done now.
We need a fast food restaurant close to the Walthourville/Allenhurst area. A great place would be Highway 84 and Airport Road, where those two meet.
Long County must not have any delinquent tax payers, because we never see any property for sale for unpaid taxes.