Here are some of the issues area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously, so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:
I can barely live on my wages as a senior citizen. I don’t know why we have YMCA memberships for city whoever, councilmen or whoever. I’d like to know who all our taxes pay for memberships.
It shows a lack of manhood training for the candidates eliminated in the sheriff’s election not to come out and support one of the surviving candidates. They should think of Liberty County more than of themselves.
Why is the city letting a certain contract employee haul people to early voting? That is just not right.
The flu will spread rapidly this winter because of people that don’t have unemployment insurance. And it will be very cold this winter. Help your neighbor and yourself.
Why didn’t the Courier ask Steve Sikes if he received a donation from Tru Playas club?
What’s with the Hinesville City Council giving themselves raises, but they ain’t gave employees cost of living raises last year or this year?
Sound off for Dec. 1
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