Here are some of the issues area residents are discussing. The statements werephoned in anonymously, so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:
The Liberty magazine that had the story, “Life’s a Peach” by Debbie Brown, was really cute and adorable. We appreciate it. Thank you, Debbie Brown.
I was wondering who all was sworn in as deputies under the new sheriff. We’d all like to know if he has the same ones, or if they are new.
Hats off to the downtown merchants. Christmas in the Park, the lighting of the tree, the activities for the kids, the reindeer were fantastic. It improves every year.
If the bus routes had closer stops there would be more people riding the buses. Just stop every other block and people would catch the bus like wild fire.
Would someone please tell me why they were playing music from “Cabaret” last night at the Christmas tree lighting?
I want to thank all the soccer coaches at the rec (center) for spending their free time with our kids and working with them. I know it made for long hours after they got off work.
To the families on Demere Street, thank you for the Christmas spirit of decorating your yards. Have a merry Christmas and happy New Year.
Sound off for Dec. 15
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