For the city manager to say he doesn’t dictate to OMI is a lie. He dictates to every city department and to the entire city, and that’s what’s wrong with Hinesville. We have a dictatorship instead of a democracy.
Everyone that is fed up with tax increases should be at those meetings about the city of Hinesville raising our taxes almost 10 percent. They put a house valued at $75,000 — how many people have a house valued at $75,000? They’re way more than that. My house is one of the older homes in Liberty County, and it’s valued at $120,000, so I know they put that amount so people wouldn’t know how much the tax is going up.
In today’s politically correct world, I don’t even know if I’m allowed to say this, but Automobile magazine had an article about the new RAM 1500 Dodge pickup truck. It’s a great price, $25,000-$27,000 — but it’s foreign-made, and no thank you. I fought for the Americans; I didn’t fight for the foreigners.
Last night I went to the Liberty middle school basketball game to see the girls play, since my granddaughter was playing. I must say, even though I’m not a basketball fan, it was a great game — the girls were just great, and the stompers were wonderful. It was a great evening out.
How many of the schools’ assistant superintendents live in Liberty County? That’s why they don’t mind spending our money raising our taxes. One lives in Claxton; one lives in Jesup; one’s main residence is in Florida. They don’t live here, so they don’t care how much the taxes go up.
To say that the city council is doing what’s right, or not doing what the people want them to do, is both dumb and stupid.
Now that the school is closing, what’s the excuse, Mr. Councilman, for paving the street in front of your house?
Goody’s Christmas sale paper on page 21, the little dressed up girl with the teddy bear shoes, is really cute with the teddy bear shoes; one black, one brown. Look at it!
I have been told by an attorney that Liberty County cannot tax us the percentage they’re trying to hike us up. Five percent is what I think is in law; they cannot tax us like they’ve got in the paper. Thank you, and I will vote against every one that puts this in for a new tax in the new election.
We need a real government official to come and see if Liberty County has the right to go up as much as they’re trying to go up on our taxes. I know one thing: we will not vote for anybody that’s in office now if they go up on our taxes.
If you want to not have to raise the millage rate and not have to raise taxes on people in the local community, quit funding the development authority. It is sucking taxpayers’ money into an entity that is close to $26 million in debt, probably with no way of getting out of the hole. Quit funding the developmental authority.
The 1-800-CHANGE number won’t be active until January 2015, but to clean up city hall, all we need is three councilmen with a backbone.