Here are some of the issues area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously, so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:
Attention all you young women out there: Your husband will eventually find someone else if you don’t become the wife and homemaker that you should be.
I recommend the zoning inspectors do the job they’re hired for, like those who don’t skirt their trailers properly, those who encroach on other property, etc., etc.
Good news, Liberty County High School students have raised over $5,000 to be donated to relief in Haiti. Way to go.
The Doc Williams tournament at Liberty County High School was held on Jan. 16 because it was the only Saturday the team was not playing out of town at a distance. We played out of town that week, but in Richmond Hill. That let us play in the tourney in the morning and then get to the other game.
Those people who are long time members of the Liberty County High family know exactly who Doc Williams is and what he did for our school. We have no idea who Donell Woods is, except we had to name our stadium after him.