Here are some of the issues area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:
In response to the person complaining about retirees and active duty having to pay for tax returns on Fort Stewart. I’m a retiree and just had my returns done on Fort Stewart. There were a bunch of soldiers there too, getting theirs done for free, too. Get your story straight.
I want to compliment Joselynn McKenna again for an excellent column in the Sunday paper. I don’t have a spouse anymore, but spent many years in the Army. She is by far the best writer on the editorial page. I turn to it first because of her.
Somebody needs to open their eyes and open these gates on Fort Stewart. It’s 5:20 and the traffic is backed up all the way to Hardee’s. Please open them earlier so people can get to work on time.
You think this snow is bad, wait until the floods in the summer and more tornadoes and stuff. God said let my people go. He wants us to be loving and kind to each other or He’ll turn this world upside down.
I want to thank the people here in Liberty County. My family member was in a rollover accident on Highway 196 last Wednesday. We still have good citizens. People stopped to help and stayed until helped arrived.