Here are some of the issues area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously, so the Courier has not verified them, nor do we know what motivated the callers:
Why is it 20 cents more a gallon for gas here in Hinesville than when you go to the airport in Savannah? Every place else I’ve lived gas around airports was more because of rental car returns. I think we’re being jacked.
Now Liberty County tax bills are up about $300. I guess all of our officials needed to take another vacation to Jekyll Island or some place other than right here in Hinesville.
Liberty County people, we need a tea party. Our taxes have gone up so much. Jack Kingston needs to come in here and explain why they went up. I know it’s more than the 3 percent I thought they could go up.
I’m sorry, but that dress Michelle Obama wore to the Kennedy Awards make it look like she’s hiding a pregnancy. People need to watch what they wear.
Yes, I got my increased tax bill. I guess this is what you call change I can believe in.
My county commissioner, Donald Lovette, doesn’t seem to be doing nothing for our district. You seem to be important with that play you’re doing. If you’re not going to do nothing for us, you need to resign and work on that play.
This is a true, Southern New Year’s dinner; blackeyed peas, white rice, greens and pork. All for good luck.
I don’t have any problem with the government giving cell phones to people who don’t earn any money as long as the only number they can call is 911. Everybody needs equal access to emergency services. They need to be able to get help.