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I totally agree with the councilmen’s poly-cart ordinance because I’m one of the residents who walks back and forth three days a week, removing garbage cans from the side of the road and putting them in the middle of driveways so people know they’re supposed to move their cans after the trash man comes, not three or four days or a week after the next run.
Sports, sports, sports — is that all the Coastal Courier can do is advertise young African-American males carrying or dribbling a ball? What are they doing in college? What are they doing after high school? What are they doing? I’m tired of the sports. Find something else to talk about, if basketball and football are the only things you can put down. What are these young men doing once they leave high school? Are they even in college?
I don’t understand why people run around, having their panties all bunched up in a knot, worrying about the poly carts. In our neighborhood residential area, people own homes and they do not like to see all these poly carts on the side of the road after the trash-man run. Those people, you know who you are, complaining about the poly carts being left outside after the trash-man run, move out of the neighborhood so we can do better by our neighborhoods. Stop worrying about other things. This is concerning about taxpayers’ money. So please stop complaining about poly carts and just do it — move them.
I know why Long County is the fastest-growing community in Georgia. I believe the reason is Hinesville’s taxes.
What’s with the two-page article in Wednesday’s paper delineating all the LCDA’s financial accomplishments, but no mention of how much total debt they have accumulated over the years with their grandiose schemes, including the Disneyland-like, expensive and unnecessary entrance to the Tradeport East? I dare you to criticize the Liberty County administrations. Why are you so afraid of them? (Editor’s note: The Courier reports on a regular basis about the financial status, debt accumulation and fiscal-year budgets of the LCDA, city and county governments and the board of education. The most recent story on the LCDA’s year-end financial report, titled “LCDA spends more than it brings in,” ran Sept. 26.)