In all these years, no president has admitted that the Vietnam vet members should receive any type of praise or treatment. We’ve always been the dog-down-in-the-road baby killers. Maybe somebody ought to take a look at that, because we worked a lot different than they do now.
Come on Fort Stewart, where are the kids supposed to go swimming at this summer? You done closed all the swimming pools up. The greatest advice would be to tell them to go home, fill all their bathtubs up, and do all the swimming they can do. Come on Fort Stewart.
I was just curious: School has let out. Why are the lights still on at all of the schools on Highway 84? It seems like it’s a bit of a waste.
The United Way food distribution on May 22 in Hinesville — was it put in the paper so the people in Midway could see it? Was it in the paper at all? I didn’t see it. I’d like to know if they’re going to have it in Midway anytime soon.
I’m on disability. If someone has a king-sized bed they’d like to donate, please give me a call. My name is Jimmy. 912-321-5118.