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I just drove through a couple of trailer parks in Walthourville. I noticed that virtually none of the trailers had up-to-date registration. Is there no code enforcement in this county to obtain these? They look like they would harbor drug people, homeless people and, above all, various kinds of rodents and roaches.
The ceremony at American Legion was just awesome. I commend all of the people that were in involved in that.
Relay for Life is such a wonderful cause, but this year, there wasn’t much school participation. I hope next year more schools are involved. Let’s give Relay for Life the support it deserves.
Thank you, Midway, for the hot-dog stand and the barbecue. It’s nice for people who don’t have much family, yet they can get out on holidays and get a hot dog. We enjoy getting out and getting a hot dog and seeing people, even if we do have to pay for them. Thank you.